Charleston, South Carolina Creekland Middle School 8 th Grade Field Trip
Why Charleston? The impact of the Civil War and the Restoration of Georgia, through the understanding of the events at Fort Sumter. The study of the USS Yorktown and the impact of World War II on Georgia’s development (economic, social and political changes.) The visual representation of multiple forms of aquatic life that can be found in the Atlantic Ocean, via Kiawah Island.
Travel Times – Important! Arrive to the bus loading zone between 5:45- 6:00 AM for check-in. We will LEAVE Creekland promptly at 6:15 AM on Wednesday, March 2 nd (don’t be late – we can’t wait!) You will be given money and/or instructions for all meals (included in your trip) We will return to Creekland by 7:30 PM on Friday, March 4 th. Please tell a parent to be near phone by 6:30 PM. (time may vary based upon traffic)
What Will We See? Ft. Sumter Tour Haunted Legends Tour Tour of Ships at Patriot’s Point Kiawah Island College of Charleston Baseball Game Walking Tour of Charleston and the Underground Railroad
Fort Sumter
Patriot’s Point
The USS Yorktown
Haunted Legends Tour
City Market
What You Must Remember This trip is a school field trip. All school rules will apply, including DRESS CODE. Shorts must meet the requirements of our school dress code. You need to bring comfortable walking shoes. WE WILL DO A LOT OF WALKING!
What You Need to Know You may bring snacks and drinks in sealed containers for the bus trip, but NO GUM, OR CHOCOLATE allowed on the trip (motor coach rules). Water and a snack will be provided on the bus. KEEP IN MIND…
Be Careful How Much Food You Bring! Remember, this is a long bus ride, and there is one facility on each bus. WE WILL NOT BE MAKING RESTROOM STOPS. Let’s make this drive as pleasant as possible!
Electronic Devices Electronics (CD players, cell phones, ipods, cameras, etc.) are brought at YOUR OWN RISK (no chaperones may “watch” them). When listening to these devices, earphones must be worn at all times. These electronics may only be used on the bus to and from Charleston and in hotel rooms. Nothing may be plugged into the hotel television set (liability issues). Disposable cameras are highly recommended.
What You Need to Know Students may bring one piece of luggage and one small carry-on bag. Do not pack anything that is unnecessary. Don’t forget personal items (shampoo, deodorant, etc.). You may wish to bring money for souvenirs (students must hold on to own money), and we ask that everyone donate a $1 bill to give to the bus driver as a tip. This tip will be collected before we get to Charleston.
What You Need to Know MEDICATIONS Students may not carry any medications on the trip. All medications must be handled by a teacher chaperone on your bus. Any meds must be brought on the morning of departure in the original prescription bottle or manufacturer's container with written instructions.
What You Need to Know There will be no swimming permitted on this trip. It is highly recommended that you bring a light jacket or raincoat. Any shorts/tops must meet dress code. You should bring comfortable walking shoes. Remember, the dress code will be enforced. No hats are permitted in indoor facilities that we visit.
CELL PHONES Students will be encouraged to call home prior to lights out each night. Cell phones may be used ONLY as cameras during the tours. Students may use cell phones to play games only while on the bus. Students will also use cell phones in case of arrival time changes.
Cell Phone Rule To Remember If it is an appropriate time for chaperones and/or teachers to use cell phones, then it is an appropriate time for students to use cell phones!
What You Need to Know Students need to arrange, ahead of time, for someone to be at the school no later than 7:30 PM Friday evening. Calls will be made if this time changes – PLEASE ASK PARENTS TO BE NEAR THEIR PHONES BY 6:30 PM. Teachers will need to go home to their families as well, so please make sure pick-ups are on time!
Important Rules to Remember Students must follow all rules and directives from chaperones. These include bus rules, arrival/departure directives, food ordering instructions, visitation to other hotel rooms and lights out. NOTE: No changes in rooms or chaperone groups will be allowed.
HOTEL RULES While at the hotel, STUDENTS MUST REMAIN IN THEIR ASSIGNED ROOMS. No student may be out of the room without an adult chaperone for any reason. Students may not go to other rooms to “visit”.
HOTEL RULES Remember, we are not the only guest at the hotel. Students must use “inside voices” at all times. Warning: do not jump on or move furniture. DAMAGE COSTS WILL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT AND HIS/HER PARENTS.
Important Rules to Remember When “lights out” is ordered, doors will be taped to ensure everyone stays in his/her room. YOU SHOULD NOT OPEN A DOOR FOR ANYONE EXCEPT A TEACHER. Students may not leave their hotel room for any reason at night unless directed (in an emergency) by a teacher chaperone. Failure to follow this rule will lead to a serious office referral!
Be Respectful! It is important to remember at all times that you represent not only yourself, but your school and your upbringing. Display proper etiquette and voice level in restaurants, when visiting facilities or walking on the streets, and in the hotel room. Be respectful to all adults (chaperones, bus drivers, tour guides, desk clerks, restaurant personnel, etc.). We only want positive comments about you!
A Learning Experience The majority of the time we will be visiting historic sites and learning. You will have a good time, but we must make this a safe learning experience for everyone.
A Memorable Trip This trip is not only educational, but it is a great way to create a lasting memory of your middle school years. Let’s follow the rules, listen to the chaperones, and be safe, so we can ensure a wonderful trip!