Briefing to Home Affairs Portfolio Committee 19 May 2006 STATE OF HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.Eastern Cape Demographics 2.Spread of offices 3.Employment Statistics – Provincial Management; NIB and Civic Services 4.Composition of Offices 5.Staff Training 6.Mobile Units 7.Office Equipment - Computers 8.Transport 9.Office Security 10.Accommodation 11.Budget 12.Relations with community structures
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 3 EASTERN CAPE DEMOGRAPHICS Education levelsPopulation No schooling and some primary43% Completed primary and some Secondary37% Grade 12/ Standard 1014% Higher Education6%
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 4 SPREAD OF OFFICES OfficesFunctionalApproved in March 2006 Regional Offices36 District Offices1427 Service Points27 MPCCs37 Ports of entry02 Refugee Reception Offices11 Total4870
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 5 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS PROVINCIAL MANAGER NoOfficeFilledVacant fundedVacant unfundedTotal 1.Provincial Manager Area Manager: South Area Manager: North1629
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 6 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS NATIONAL IMMIGRATION BRANCH Office NIB Personnel King William’s Town RO8 IO + 7 PO = 15 Port Elizabeth RO7 IO +6 PO = 13 Mthatha RO5 IO +2 PO = 7 East London DO9 Queenstown DO4 Mount Frere DO3 Butterworth DO0 Engcobo DO1 Lusikisiki DO4 Grahamstown1 Graaff-Reinette1 Umzimkhulu1
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 7 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS NoOfficeFilledVacant fundedVacant unfundedTotal 1.MTHATHA RO Mqanduli SP Butterworth DO Ngqamakhwe SP Centane MPCC Willowvale DO Idutywa SP Elliotdale SP Qumbu DO Tsolo SP3003
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 8 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS NoOfficeFilledVacant fundedVacant unfundedTotal 1.MOUNT FRERE RO Mount Ayliff SP Aliwal North DO Burgersdorp DO Mt Fletcher DO Maluti SP Sterkspruit DO Umzimkhulu DO Qacha’s Nek PCO Telebridge PCO06612
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 9 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS NoOfficeFilledVacant fundedVacant unfundedTotal 1. KING WILLIAMS TOWN Zwelitsha SP Alice DO Middledrift SP Fort Beaufort SP East London DO Keiskammahoek DO Stutterheim SP Mdantsane DO Peddie DO301114
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 10 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS NoOfficeFilledVacant fundedVacant unfundedTotal 1.LUSIKISIKI RO Flagstaff SP Bhizana DO Magusheni SP Libode DO Ngqeleni SP Port St Johns DO Tombo MPCC Ntabankulu DO301114
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 11 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS NoOfficeFilledVacant fundedVacant unfundedTotal 1. QUEENSTOWN RO WhittleSea SP Cofimvaba DO Cofimvaba MPCC Tsomo SP Cradock DO Middleburg SP Tarkastad SP Ngcobo DO
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 12 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS QUEENSTOWN REGION continued No.OfficesFilledVacant fundedVacant unfundedTotal 10.Cala SP Elliot SP Lady Frere DO Indwe SP00017
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 13 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS NoOfficeFilledVacant fundedVacant unfundedTotal 1.PORT ELIZABETH Motherwell DO Njoli SP Cleary Park DO Graaf-Reinette DO Grahamstown DO Alexandria SP Port Alfred SP Somerset East DO50611
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 14 EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS PORT ELIZABETH REGION continued No.OfficeFilledVacant fundedVacant unfundedTotal 10.Humansdorp DO Sanddrift MPCC Uitenhage DO Paterson SP Refugee Reception Office 93012
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 15 COMPOSITION OF OFFICES SUMMARY NoOfficeAfricanColouredWhiteTotal 1.Provincial Manager’s Office Area Manager: South Area Manager: North Port Elizabeth Region King William’s Town Region Queenstown Region Mthatha Region94-- 8Lusikisiki Region Mount Frere Region42-- TOTAL
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 16 STAFF TRAINING 2005/06 CourseOfficials trainedService Provider Induction Course80EC Training Officer Customer Care70SAMDI Citizenship20HRD: Pretoria Human Trafficking in Southern Africa 10 International Organization on Migration Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 26Black Sash Business Writing Skills10Honey Guide
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 17 STAFF TRAINING 2005/06 Course Officials trained Service Provider Standard Operating Procedures for Refugee Affairs 14Refugee Affairs: Head Office PMDS400HRM: Head Office Groupwise30IT Manager Anti-Corruption & Whistleblowing 400 Counter Corruption: Head Office IT Support and Knowledge Management workshop 45 Directors: IT Client Support and Knowledge Management Internship Programme28Refugee Affairs and Administration
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 18 MOBILE UNITS DEPLOYMENT PLAN This Province has been allocated ten (10) Mobile Trucks. These trucks have been deployed according to service delivery needs as there are areas without Home affairs presence and deployment therefore elevated the level of service delivery demands. The trucks have been deployed in the six Regions as follows: Mthatha = 2 King William’s Town = 2 Port Elizabeth = 1 Queenstown = 1 Mt Frere= 2 Lusikisiki= 2
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 19 MOBILE UNITS MTHATHA REGION GGB 886 G The truck was received on 02 February 2006.It is operating in the Mnquma Municipal Districts, it operates from Butterworth District Office. GGC 082 G The truck was received on 27 April 2006, the truck is deployed at Qaukeni Municipality and operates from Lusikisiki District Office GGB 331 G The truck was received on 13 May 2005 and is servicing the Mbashe Municipality., it operates from Mthatha Regional Office. GGB 894 G The truck was received on 25 February 2006 and is deployed to Mt Frere Office and services the Umzimvubu Municipality. GGC 081 G The truck was received on 28 March 2006, and services the Mhlontlo Municipalities and operates from Mt Frere.
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 20 MOBILE UNITS DEPLOYMENT PLAN GGB 325 G The truck was received on 13 May The truck is allocated to King William’s Town Region and services Buffalo City District Municipality. GGC 014 G The truck was received on 02 February 2006 and deployed in Queenstown to service the following municipalities, Chris Hani District Municipality. GGB 849 G The truck was received on 25 February 2006 and deployed to Queenstown Region and services Maletswai and Gariep Municipalities. GGC 016 G The truck was received on 02 February 2006 and is deployed in Port Elizabeth Regional Office and services Cacadu District Municipality. GGB 329 G This truck was received on 13 May 2005 and was involved in accident in August 2005 repairs to the truck are in the process of being finalised.
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 21 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - COMPUTERS Mthatha - 16, Butterworth - 6, Queenstown - 17, Engcobo – 3, Centane –1 Mdantsane - 6, King William’s Town -38, Port Elizabeth - 54, East London - 18, Lusikisiki - 9, Middledrift – 4, Alice - 6, Fort Beaufort - 2, Somerset East - 4, Uitenhage –10, Grahamstown – 6, Graaf-Reinette –3, Cradock - 5, Humansdorp - 2, Zwelitsha – 4, Centane -1, Cofimvaba – 3, Sterkspruit –2, Port St Johns –3, Keiskammahoek - 1, Mt Frere -9, Bhizana – 4, Idutywa -2, Tsolo - 2, Mzimkhulu - 3, Mt Ayliff -2, Maluti - 2, Libode - 2,Elliot -1,Mt Fletcher -3, Aliwal North - 2 There has not been any change with Telkom turn around time with regard to data lines and the following offices are still outstanding for installation: Ellitodale, Peddie, Qumbu and Ngqeleni. There is no electricity in Lady Frere, Ngqamakhwe, Tsomo, Willowvale,Tabankulu and Mqanduli.
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 22 TRANSPORT Transport Eastern Cape Province has one hundred and twenty six vehicles and the allocation is as follows: Provincial Manager’s Office = 6 King William’s Town Region = 46, Port Elizabeth Region = 27 Mthatha Region = 43
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 23 OFFICE SECURITY Office with access control/24 hour guarding Qumbu, Port St Johns, Keiskammahoek, Mt Frere, Bhizana, Idutywa, Elliotdale,Tsolo, Cala,Mzimkhulu, Mt Ayliff, Maluti, Mqanduli, Libode, Tsomo,Elliot, Mt Fletcher, Mdantsane, King William’s Town, Port Elizabeth, East London, Lusikisiki, Middledrift, Alice, Fort Beaufort, Somerset East, Uitenhage, Grahamstown,Ntabankulu, Cradock, Willowvale, Peddie, Zwelitsha, Mthatha, Butterworth, Ngqeleni, Queenstown, Engcobo, WhittleSea, Cofimvaba,Ngqamakhwe, Centane
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 24 ACCOMMODATION RAMP Mthatha, Butterworth, Ngqeleni, Queenstown, Engcobo LEASED OFFICES Mdantsane, King William’s Town, Port Elizabeth, East London, Lusikisiki, Middledrift, Alice, Fort Beaufort, Somerset East, Uitenhage, Grahamstown, Graaf-Reinette, Cradock, Humansdorp, Willowvale, Peddie, Zwelitsha, MPCCs Centane, Cofimvaba, Sterkspruit SHACKS/CARAVANS Lady Frere, Ngqamakhwe CONTAINER Flagstaff DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, EDUCATION, SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT. MUNICIPALITY Qumbu, Port St Johns, Keiskammahoek, Mt Frere, Bhizana, Idutywa, Elliotdale,Tsolo, Cala,Mzimkhulu, Mt Ayliff, Maluti, Mqanduli, Libode, Tsomo,Elliot,Ntabankulu, Mt Fletcher, Aliwal North
HOME AFFAIRS: EASTERN CAPE - BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE | 26 RELATIONS WITH COMMUNITY STRUCTURES Presentations made to mayors and managers of King Sabata Dalindyebo, Nyandeni, Port St Johns, Qaukeni, Ntabankulu, Mhlontlo, Umzimvubu, Umzimkhulu, Elundini, Mbashe, Mnquma, Intsikayethu, Engcobo, Sakhisizwe, Bizana, Elukhanji, Emalahleni, Tsolwana,Inkwanca, Gariep!, Maletswai and Senqu, Kouga, Koukamma, Nelson Mandela Metro, Cacadu FORUMS Integrated Community Registration Stuctures Local Steering Committees with Municipalities Forums with traditional leaders involved in the following: