Upper Atmospheric Facilities. Components of the UAF Program Five incoherent scatter radar facilities Partial funding for SuperDARN Half of CEDAR Program*


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Presentation transcript:

Upper Atmospheric Facilities

Components of the UAF Program Five incoherent scatter radar facilities Partial funding for SuperDARN Half of CEDAR Program* Lidar Consortium Contributions to CCMC and Space Weather Miscellaneous awards AMISR Construction (Mgmt.) Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling (Mgmt.)

Facility Award Status Sondrestrom: Renewal proposal being reviewed for start early in FY09 Millstone: Five-year award initiated in FY08 Arecibo: New award initiated in FY05 expires March 2010 Jicamarca: Five-year award initiated in FY05 (Hysell replaced Farley as PI of new award) AMISR: Five-year operations award started in FY06 SuperDARN: Five-year award initiated in FY05; jointly funded with AER, MAG, and Polar Programs

Facility Award Status (cont.) AMISR Construction—Four year award initiated in FY03 still in progress Lidar Consortium—four-institution collaborative project initiated in Aeronomy and transferred to UAF in FY07. UAF sharing of CEDAR program with Aeronomy ended after FY06. Exchanged for Lidar Consortium. AMISR graduate student support and optics awards competed in FY06.

Additional Usage Indicators for UAFs Number of data users (individually and institutionally) Number of papers published using data (with and without facility staff co- authorship) Number of students using data and number of theses based on UAF data Number of operating hours requested Number of ancillary instruments at UAF sites

The Returns from Facility Investments Facility data are widely used to conduct fundamental research in atmospheric sciences Facilities have played a key role in both undergraduate and graduate education Facilities represent strategic sites for instrument deployment Facility data are used in the design and validation of many ground-based and space-based instruments Ground-based atmospheric science facilities play a major role in both the planning and execution of every major space science program

Is UARS able to maintain all its facilities if some major hardware failure occurs? Probably not. Replacement value for any of the facilities is at least $15M. All facilities will probably need to be replaced in 10 to 20 years. AMISR technology makes gradual replacement feasible. Bigger issue is how to phase in new facilities.

Facility Strategic Planning Facilities are completing an integrated plan for the next seven years, as recommended in 2003 by the facility review panel chaired by Susan Avery. The fourth all-facility planning meeting is being held at Haystack Observatory in September Part of this meeting will also include participation from other UARS investigators with facility-type projects to assess the demand for expanding the facilities program beyond the current scope.

Table of Contents I. BACKGROUND Introduction Radar Techniques for Upper Atmospheric Research II. FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS The Jicamarca Radio Observatory The Arecibo Observatory The Millstone Hill Observatory The Sondrestrom Radar Facility SuperDARN The Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radar Facility Management and Review III. FACILITY CONTRIBUTIONS TO SPACE SCIENCE Ionospheric Irregularities Lower Thermosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Topside Ionosphere Magnetosphere-Ionosphere C oupling at High Latitudes Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling at Mid and Low Latitudes D-Region, Mesosphere, Meteors IV. FACILITY CONTRIBUTIONS TO MAJOR SCIENCE PROGRAMS Space Weather Global Change Space Missions Radio Science V.FACILITY STRATEGIES VI.EDUCATION AND OUTREACH VIIIMPLEMENTATION Appendix AHistory of Incoherent Scatter Appendix BOther Instrumentation at UAF Sites Appendix CPlanned Upgrades and Enhancements to Existing Facilities

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UAF Funding Breakdown Total: $11.9M