Reading and Writing Unit Portfolio Presentation Abdulkarim Talib
Unit Summary Ever since the beginning of mankind, activity has been expressed in a graphical or visual form to document or inform people about. As time went on this visual representation took on a more formal expression that was available to more and more people. Written information is used among other things to inform, instruct, entertain and legislate. Modern technology instantly exposes a user to information packaged in different ways, such as in the form of video, audio, multi-media or printed text. Students will focus on the types of writing available to them electronically, how to find the material they need, and how to use the various electronic resources to help them understand what they are exposed to.
Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question What is the meaning and importance of reading? How has technology made it easier for people to read? Unit Questions What other times must a person know how to read? How important is vocabulary? Content Questions Where do you go on the internet to read things of interest to you? How do you find things on the internet that you want to read?
Reading and Writing This project will help students develop 21 st century skills by: Collaborating with peers. Use different ways of using technology to read Using different tools of technology to express ideas.
Gauging Student Needs Assessment Purpose of the Assessment To gather information about what students’ reading habits and explore other sources for reading What I want to learn from my students? I want to find out what they already know about the Unit Questions and what they know about using technology to gather information. How I have tried to promote higher-order thinking? I ask students to find relationships and draw conclusions about information technology. How the assessment information helps me and my students plan for upcoming activities in the unit? If students have misconceptions or different levels of understanding about the importance of information technology, I can provide various resources. We will revisit this assessment throughout the unit for students to add their knowledge. What feedback or additional ideas I’d like? I hope to get students to ask good questions to provide me feedback.
Find ways to get my students more interested in reading Learn about different kinds of technology my students and I can use Share ideas with other teachers My Goals for the Course
Goals for My Students To learn the different sources available to them for reading To become more independent learners
Request for Feedback Places I could find a classroom in a different climate for my students to work with Ideas for helping students take more responsibility for their own learning