IAY 0600 Digital Systems Design Digitaalsüsteemide disain Course Overview Alexander Sudnitson Tallinn University of Technology
2 Administrative Aleksander Sudnitsõn (Alexander Sudnitson) Department of Computer Engineering (Arvutitehnika instituut) Associate Professor (dotsent) ICT-503 Tel
3 Course resources IAY0600 Digital Systems Design (LECTURESIAY0600 Digital Systems Design (LECTURES) Digitaalsüsteemide disain IAY0600l Digital Systems Design (WORKSHOPS) IAY0600l Digital Systems Design (WORKSHOPS) Digitaalsüsteemide disain (LABS)
4 Lectures Lecture: Wednesday The first regular Lab time: , are lectures only – 17.30
5 Labs A.Wednesday (19.15) B. Thursday – (21.00) Assistant: research scientist, Dimitri Mihhajlov, PhD Technical Assistant: early stage researcher Artjem Rjabov The first regular Lab time: , 16.00
6 Labs IAY0600l
7 Grading To stimulate the student’s activity a project-based evaluation approach is adopted. Grading consists of control of knowledge in examinations (20 points in final grade) and of the demonstration of the projects and the quality of a written reports (40 points in final grade for doing compulsary labs, up to additional 40 points in final grade for doing optional labs). “LEARN BY DOING” Learning By Example Using VHDL (with FPGA Evaluation Boards)
8 Passing a Lab Every completed experiment (project) must be presented to Assistant (D. Mihhailov), who will evaluate student’s results and effort Each lab is passed in three steps: Step 1: Visual demonstration Step 2: Submission of the report Step 3: Defence/discussion of the report Labs can be done either individually, or in teams of two. Note, that in case of teamwork Step 2 and Step 3 MUST be done by each team member separately.
9 Compulsory Labs Labs labelled “compulsory” form the basic core of the course. In order to pass the course these labs MUST be completed within the deadline. Passing all compulsory labs yields the minimum positive final grade and allows possibility to attend the exam. Comparator Adder Parameterizable Adder LFSR Finite-State Machine
10 Optional Labs Labs labelled “optional” are more advanced labs that are not required to be completed in order to pass the course. However, each successfully passed optional lab increases the final grade (up to the maximum for doing all optional labs). Greatest Common Divisor Creeping Line RISC Processor
11 Labs Xilinx FPGA Tools The laboratory assignments are done using the Xilinx ISE Software. simulation synthesis implementation Digilent Nexys3 FPGA Board
13 Course goals to elaborate knowledge of the design process from design description in VHDL through functional simulation, synthesis, timing simulation, and PLD (FPGA) programming; to gain experience in designing and verifying digital systems using synthesis and simulation tools; to provide students the theory and practice of rapid prototyping of digital systems in a laboratory environment;
14 Outcomes to proceed from a digital system description in VHDL to its implementation in a PLD (FPGA) using of a number of computer-aided design software tools; to understand how to interpret design tool outputs in evaluating alternative system designs for a specific set of requirements, and how to use the knowledge gained to improve the design; to understand and comprehend asynchronous design methods, computational models, design terminology.
Why is this course worth taking? VHDL for synthesis: one of the most sought-after skills knowledge of state-of-the-art tools used in the industry knowledge of the modern FPGA & ASIC technologies unique knowledge and practical skills that make you competitive on the job market
16 Main topics The course is based on the development of a real-world projects and case studies Synthesizable VHDL Digital systems design methodology using VHDL and PLD (FPGA) FPGAs as means for building reconfigurable systems Rapid prototyping of digital systems.
17 Slides Lecture slides (to be published before each lecture). Auxiliary material: Digital Systems Modeling and Synthesis
18 Textbooks Short K. L. VHDL for Engineers, Pearson Education, Inc., 2009, Chu P.P. FPGA Prototyping Using VHDL Examples: Xilinx Spartan-3 Version, Jonh, Willey & Sons, Pedroni V. A. Circuit Design and Simulation with VHDL, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Skljarov V., Skliarova I., Sudnitson A. Design of FPGA- based Circuits using Hierarchical Finite State Machines. TUT Press, Tallinn, 2012, 240 p. Richard E. Haskell & Darrin M. Hanna, "Digital Design“, 2 nd Edition, 2012
19 Digital System A discrete system is a system in which signals have a finite number of discrete values. (This contrasts with analog systems, in which signals have values from an infinite set). Any finite number of discrete values can be represented by a vector of signals with just two values. Such a signal, which takes only two values, is called a digital signal (or binary, or logic), and any device that processes digital signals is called a digital device. Discrete System InputsOutputs
20 Design process The design process consists of obtaining an implementation that satisfies the specification of a system. Specification (behaviour) Analysis (verification)Synthesis Implementation (structure) The analysis of a system has an objective the determination of its specification from an implementation. The synthesis consists of obtaining an implementation that satisfies the specification of a system
21 Design representation A structural representation is one that the black box as a set of components and their connections. It specifies the product’s implementation without explicit reference to its functionality. The functionality could be derived from that of its interconnected components. A behavioral or functional representation is one that looks at the design as a black box. A behavioral representation describes the functionality but not the implementation of a given design, defining the black box’s response to any combination of input values. Three different domains of description : A physical representation is one that specifies the physical characteristics of the black box, providing the dimensions and locations of each component and connection contained in the structural description..
22 Modified Y Chart: levels of abstruction Programmable cores, IPs, ASICs Registers, Adders, Multipliers, etc. Logic netlist, Schematic Boolean equations Dataflow Abstract Processes Algorithm Processor, Memory, Peripheral interface View Behavior Description Structural Description Logic Register Transfer (RTL) System Architectural
23 Timing units at different levels Registers, Adders, Multipliers, etc. Logic netlist, Schematic Programmable cores, IPs, ASICs Boolean equations Dataflow Abstract Processes Algorithm Processor, Memory, Peripheral interface View Behavior Description Structural Description Delay Clock Cycle Computation Step Comuncation Transaction Time Units
24 Modified Y Chart : this course area Algorithm Processor, Memory, Peripheral interface View Behavior Description Structural Description Registers, Adders, Multipliers, etc. Logic netlist, Schematic Dataflow / RTL Boolean equations Synthesis Analysis
25 Modified Y Chart: transformations Algorithm Processor, Memory, Peripheral interface View Behavior Description Structural Description Registers, Adders, Multipliers, etc. Logic netlist, Schematic Dataflow Boolean equotions Algorithmic Register-Transfer Logic Transformations
26 Chart supporting synthesis activity View Behavior Description Structural Description Algorithmic level of abstraction Register-transfer level of abstraction Logic level of abstraction Behavioral synthesis RTL synthesis Logic synthesis
27 Example: HalfAdder Sum Carry HalfAdder a bStructure Sum = ¬ a&b a& ¬ b = a b Carry = a & b abSumCarry Behavior b Carry & a Sum
28 Example: HalfAdder Behavioral Description entity HALFADDER is port(a, b: in bit; Sum, Carry: out BIT); end HALFADDER; Sum = ¬ a&b a& ¬ b = a b Carry = a & b HalfAdder a b Sum Carry This is data flow behavioral description architecture RTL of HALFADDER is begin Sum <= a xor b; Carry <= a and b; end RTL;
Register Transfer Level (RTL) Design Description Combinational Logic Combinational Logic Registers …
30 Brief History of VHDL VHDL is an industry standard hardware description language that is widely used for specifying, modeling, designing, an simulating digital systems. VHDL is an acronym for VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Description Language. The first version of VHDL: IEEE The most commonly supported by CAD tools version of VHDL: IEEE
VHDL for Synthesis (vs. for Simulation) 31 VHDL was originally developed as a language for describing digital systems for the purpose of documentation and simulation, but not for synthesis. In 1999, the IEEE issued IEEE Std , IEEE Standard for VHDL Register Transfer Level (RTL) Synthesis. This standard described a subset of IEEE Std 1076 suitable for RTL synthesis. It also described the syntax and semantics of this subset with regard to synthesis. IEEE defines a subset of the language that is considered the official synthesis subset. A revision of this standard was issued in 2004 and 2008.
32 VHDL vs. Verilog Government DevelopedCommercially Developed Ada basedC based Strongly Type CastMildly Type Cast Difficult to learnEasier to Learn More PowerfulLess Powerful Features of VHDL and Verilog: technology/vendor independent portable reusable
33 VHDL for Specification VHDL for Simulation VHDL for Synthesis VHDL for specification, simulation, and synthesis
34 Design flow for VHDL/PLD methodology In our course PLD = FPGA