Kiwis Kiwi fruit is native to China. It was known as the Chinese gooseberry. In 1904; a missionary, Isabel Fraser, transported the seeds to the western world (New Zealand) after visiting missions in China. In 1970, the first kiwi fruit was harvested in California.
Kiwis The leading kiwi producers are New Zealand, France, Japan, Italy, Chile, Greece, and the U.S. Kiwifruits owe their name to a bird, native of New Zealand, named the "kiwi".
Kiwis The kiwi fruit is brown, egg sized and covered with fuzz. When sliced, it yields an emerald green (or yellow) flesh with rows of small, dark, edible seeds, and a light cream colored center. The flavor of a kiwi is similar to a blend of peaches, strawberries, and melon with a soft and juicy texture.
Kiwis Kiwis are one of the most vitamin-rich fruits. -Vitamin C -Vitamin A -Vitamin E -Calcium -Potassium -Folic Acid -Fiber -Omega 3 - kiwi seeds
Kiwis Did you know that kiwis can be used as a natural meat tenderizer? They contain an enzyme called Actinidin that may soften the muscle tissues of the meat. Adding kiwis to meat recipes could be a great idea if you want to have a tender portion of meat.
Kiwis You can eat the fruit raw or processed into: -Jam and Sauces, -Fruit Juices and Smoothies, -Desserts (cakes, ice cream, and pies), -Salads and Dressings, or -Meat Dishes.