Agile Software Testing in a Large-Scale Project David Talby and Arie Keren, IAF Orit Hazzan and Yeal Dubinsky, IIT
Introduction IAF {Israel Air Force},IIT{Israel Institute of Technology} Project{IAF Enterprise Information System} Applying XP on IAF’s project.
IAF Enterprise Information System Critical {daily operations, security} Complex system Provide utmost quality Developed by using XP
Conforming to XP Short Releases{2 weeks} Test{unit tests, regression tests} Planning Game{to plan iteration, re-factoring activities { simple design }, sustainable pace and releases} Customer Collaboration
Conforming to XP Whole team and sit-together{developers, testers, analysts and customer} Information workplace{story cards, stand-up meeting} Continuous Integration
Diverging from classic XP Code + Test{XP} and Detailed Specification{ups…} Professional Tester Focusing on automated acceptance test{real simulation}
Test Design and execution Everyone tests Product size = test size Untested work = no work
Working with professional testers Let developer code more new features. 2 key challenge{testing bottleneck, coordination b/w testers and developers}
Integrate feature testing and coding Regression testing: Divide and conquer Allocate bug-fix time globally Activity Planning
Defect Management Use a team-centered defect-management approach Fix defects as soon as possible