The 5 Senses Angie Miller Kindergarten SKP1: Student will describe objects in terms of the materials they are made of and their physical properties. b. Use senses to classify common materials, such as buttons or swatches of cloth, according to their physical attributes (color, size, shape, weight, texture, buoyancy, flexibility). Kindergarten
Table of Contents Taste Touch Hear Smell See Using the 5 senses Review Examples of taste “Taste Test” graph Touch Examples of touch “Mystery Touch Bag” graph Hear Examples of sounds Smell Examples of smells See Examples of sight Organizational chart Using the 5 senses Review
What Can You Taste?
Taste salty sour sweet bitter
“Taste Test” The students were given one taste on a q-tip.
What Can You Touch ?
Touch hot cold rough sticky
“Mystery Touch Bag” The students reached into the “Mystery Touch Bag” and felt for one item.
What Can You Hear?
What Can You Smell?
Smell stinky stinky sweet
What Can You See?
Sight football frog dog penguin cake
What Can You See in the Classroom?
Using the 5 Senses Which of the 5 senses is the turtle in the movie using?
Review The Five Senses Taste Touch Hear Smell See chocolate soft train sour balloon pop corn bumpy whistle cinnamon bus