Please turn in homework 功课 gōng kè
二月二号星期四 Chinese New Year celebration FLIC Meeting
Flavors of food 酸 辣 甜 苦 咸 suān tián là kǔ xián P. 375
It’s too salty/sweet/bitter… 咸 xián 太 tài 了 le
Flavors of food 清淡 qīng dàn P. 375 Plain and light
Flavors of food 油 yóu P. 375 Greasy Oil; Fuel
Flavors of food 加油 Jiā yóu P. 375 fill out gas; root for someone
Flavors of food 脆 cuì P. 375 Crispy
Chinese Food V.S. Western Food 中餐西餐 zhōng cānxī cān
Chinese Food V.S. Western Food 中国菜 美国菜 cài Chinese dishAmerican Dish
辣 là 咸 xián 油 yóu 清淡 qīng dàn 中国菜 zhōng guó caì 美国菜 meǐ guó caì Chinese Food V.S. Western Food Answer the question… 中国菜很辣吗?
What do Chinese people eat? why? Due to geological and cultural differences, Chinese people eat very differently than Westerners.
What do Chinese people eat? why? Chicken and pork are the main meats consumed in China because, in the past, China was made up of agricultural societies. Every household kept their own animals and poultry.
Food for different areas in China Please complete the worksheet while listen to Hsu Lǎo shī.
Food for different areas in China 面 miàn 面 饺子 jiǎo zi 饺子 jiǎo zi 饭 fàn 饭 辣 là 辣
Famous Dish from different area Si Chuan Province 宫保鸡丁 gōng bǎo jī dīng
Famous Dish from different area Si Chuan Province gōng bǎo jī dīng 宫保鸡丁 Stir-fried diced chicken with peanuts and chili pepper.
Famous Dish from different area Si Chuan Province 麻婆豆腐 má pó dòu fǔ
Famous Dish from different area Si Chuan Province 麻婆豆腐 má pó dòu fǔ Tofu stir-fried with minced beef or pork and chili.
Famous Dish from different area Hu Nan Province 左宗鸡 Zuǒ zōng jī General Tso’s chicken
Famous Dish from different area Bei jing Province 北京烤鸭 běi jīng kǎo yā Peking Duck
Famous Dish from different area What are some differences in traditional diet between people in the northern and southern United States?
虾炒饭 今天的菜单 jīn tiān de cài dān zhū ròu chǎo miàn 猪肉炒面 xiā chǎo fàn Shrimp Fried Rice Pork Fried Noodle
酸辣汤 今天的菜单 jīn tiān de cài dān hǎi xiān tāng miàn 海鲜汤面 suān là tāng Hot and sour SoupSea food noodle soup P. 376
Yummy V.S. Yucky P. 376 好吃 hǎo chī 不好吃 bù hǎo chī 难吃难吃 nán chī
example 饺子 jiǎo zi 很 好吃 hǎo chī 难吃难吃 nán chī
Yummy V.S. Yucky(for drink) P. 376 好喝 hǎo hē 不好喝 bù hǎo hē 难喝 nán hē
example 很 难喝 nán hē 好喝 hǎo hē 酸辣汤 suān là tāng
Flavors of food 酸 辣 甜 苦 咸 suān tián là kǔ xián P. 375
example 很 酸辣汤 suān là tāng 酸 suān 辣 là
example 很 咖啡 suān là tāng 苦 kǔ 甜 tián
example 很 Dish Name 咸 xián
It’s too salty/sweet/bitter… 咸 xián 太 tài 了 le
It’s too salty/sweet/bitter… 好 太 tài 了 le
Chinese New Year Answer the following question to test your knowledge about Chinese New Year. Raise your hand if you know the answer.
Question 1: What is the zodiac for this year?
Question 2: What is inside the red envelope ( 红包 )?
Question 3: What animal win the first place in the zodiac race?
Question 4: What animal won the first place in the zodiac race?
Question 5: What is the other name for Chinese New Year. (answer in Chinese)
Spring Festival 春节 Chūn jié
Craft: 3-D Spring Character Pick up a pair of scissors. Follow Hsu lao shi’s instruction to fold the paper. Cut out the black area. Refold the paper. (you will need help from Hsu lao shi)