ENGINEERING NEW FRONTIERS MUN YOUNG CHOI School of Engineering University of Connecticut
SoE Announcements Dr. Prabhakar Singh, CMBE Dr. Brian Willis, CMBE Dr. George Lykotrafitis, ME Dr. Shengli Zhou, ECE PECASE Awardee
AY AY BME % CHEG % CE % CompE % CS % CSE % ENVE4340-7% ENG PHY % EE4746-2% EGUN % ME % MEM % MMAT2019-5% Total Admitted % Out of State49%52% Average SAT Undergraduate Admission
Academic Plan Fall 2008 (as of 2/18/08)Fall 2009 (as of 2/18/09) US CitizenInternationalTOTALUS CitizenInternationalTOTAL BMENGR_MS CHEMEG_MS CIVLEG_MS CSCIEG_MS ELECEG_MS ENVENG_MS MECHEG_MS MENGR METMAT_MS MTLSCI_MS POLYSC_MS Total M.S. Applications
Academic Plan Fall 2008 (as of 2/18/08)Fall 2009 (as of 2/18/09) US CitizenInternationalTOTALUS CitizenInternationalTOTAL BMENGR_PHD CHEMEG_PHD CIVLEG_PHD CSCIEG_PHD ELECEG_PHD ENVENG_PHD MECHEG_PHD METMAT_PHD MTLSCI_PHD POLYSC_PHD Total Ph.D. Applications
Research Submission Fiscal Year Comparisons FY2009: $139,458,682 (40% of UConn) FY2008: $86,310,028
Research Awards Fiscal Year Comparisons FY2009: $15,678,443 (22% of UConn) FY2008: $11,815,390
Research Value to UConn FY2008, SoE generated $3.8M in F&A Represents 20.4% of all F&A recovery at UConn The rate of recovery for SoE is 34% The rate of recovery for UConn is 26% FY 2007, SoE generated $2.9m in F&A Represents 16.7% of all F&A recovery at UConn The rate of recovery for SoE is 28% The rate of recovery for UConn is 25%
Budget Situation Officials say 36% cut would decimate university system University of Nevada Crow announces mandatory furloughs for University employees University of Arizona Governor proposes 5% cut in Higher Education budget University of Connecticut
Budget Updates Cost cutting measures Reduction in scholarships Rollover as much as possible Provided initial allocation of TAs for all departments Infrastructure that will allow us to offer distance learning courses for M.Eng. Sabbatical leaves Early retirement
ARRA: Investing in Science NSF $2.5B on research programs $400M on major research facilities $100M on improving STEM education DoE $1.6B on basic research $400M on ARPA-E for high-risk/high- payoff
ARRA: Investing in Science DoE EERE $2.5B for energy independence, carbon emissions $2B for advanced vehicle batteries NIH $8B for research for highly-rated research proposals that have gone unfunded due to budget constraints $1B for renovation/construction of university and non-federal research labs. NOAA $600M for climate modeling and satellite programs