Cognitive Learning Module 29
Cognitive Influences on Learning 1950s Incorporate the study of the role of cognition on learning Learning is impacted by cognitive factors Attention Memory Creativity Imagery
Contingency Model of Learning Robert Rescorla Classical conditioning One stimulus needs to reliably predict the arrival of the second stimulus for learning to result Operant conditioning A voluntary behavior needs to reliably predict the consequence in order for the organism to learn
Latent Learning Edward Tolman First to investigate cognitive processes on operant conditioning Experiments on rats to master a maze under three different conditions Latent Learning learning in the absence of rewards but not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it
Latent Learning Cognitive map A mental representation of the layout of one’s environment Insight “Aha!” moment Sudden perception of relationships between multiple parts of a problem Pigeon and the Banana Pigeon and the Banana
Learned Helplessness Martin Seligman Loss of motivation and failure to attempt to escape from unpleasant stimuli that happens if individuals perceive that they are not able to exert control over their environment Dog experiment
John Garcia First to investigate how biology can influence learning Biological constraints Limitations set by biology regarding what an animal is capable of learning Rats stronger smell, weaker sight Taste stimuli work well when associated with nausea
Need to Know… Biological preparedness Influences the types of associations best learned by a particular animal Biological constraints Limitations imposed by biology on a species in terms of what they are capable of learning. Humans are the only organisms that are capable of language, but humans are not capable of breathing under water and cannot learn that skill.
Taste Aversions John Garcia Involves learning to avoid a particular food item or liquid after it becomes associated with nausea Rats experiment – radiation – water Garcia effect Unusual because they typically require only one pairing for learning
Observational Learning Involves how one develops new skills, knowledge, and behaviors by watching others perform and imitating these behaviors Children see, Children do Children see, Children do
Social Learning Albert Bandura Observational learning was the result of modeling
Bobo Doll Experiment Albert Bandura Effects of TV violence Experiment of children watching adults being aggressive Video Video