0 EDTE 506/507C8 EDTE 506 Web Design and Authoring EDTE 507 Media Studies in Schools July 20, 2009
1 EDTE 506/507C8 Due No date, for EDTE 507 At do the “Compare and Contrast Magazine Cover” activities 1 and 2, then post your analyses on your page in the class wiki. No date, for EDTE 507 Deconstruct the Hyundai ad at answer the deconstruction questions before you read the sample deconstruction at the bottom of the page; post your deconstruction on your wiki page No date, for EDTE 507 Apply the Center for Media Literacy Core Concepts and Key Questions (from Thoman & Jolls, pp ) in deconstructing the Arnold magazine covers in Arnold.doc on the Media Files page of the class wiki, indicating the concepts and questions you’re applying; then post your deconstruction on your class wiki page June 24, for EDTE 506 The short paper “Evaluation of a Web Learning Site,” and the PowerPoint presentation summarizing the paper—post them on your class wiki page and in the Webfolio, in the Your Products folder June 29, for EDTE 507 The introduction for your “Critical Analysis of Media” paper—post it on your class wiki page July 1, for EDTE 506 The short paper “Learner-Technology Assessment (LTA),” and the PowerPoint presentation summarizing the paper—post them on your class wiki page and in the Webfolio, in the Your Products folder July 8, for EDTE 507 Short paper on the media’s influence on shaping perceptions, beliefs and attitudes, and the PowerPoint presentation summarizing the paper—post them on your class wiki page and in the Webfolio, in the Your Products folder July 13, for EDTE 506 Your Web Learning Site design and assessment model—post them on your class wiki page
2 EDTE 506/507C8 Agenda New end date Assignments, this time and next time Discussion questions
3 EDTE 506/507C8 New End Date The last class will be either July 27 or July 30, not July 28, as indicated in the July 13 class slides—we’ll discuss and decide by this week
4 EDTE 506/507C8 Assignments for This Time EDTE 506 Reading/Watching/Browsing Beer, Chapters 4, 5, & 8 Design and construct a Web learning site for a specific student body that helps students acquire a specific skill and/or understanding. The site should include a mechanism for assessment of student skills and understandings.
5 EDTE 506/507C8 Assignments for This Time EDTE 507 Reading/Watching/Browsing Thoman & Jolls, Literacy for the 21 st Century (one of the hardcopy handouts), pp Identify the target audience, purpose for communication, and a message to be communicated for the Media Production to be delivered on July 28 (date changed to 7/27 or 7/30)
6 EDTE 506/507C8 Assignments for Next Time EDTE 506 Complete your Web Learning Site, the demo and the PowerPoint presentation due at the last class meeting, 7/27 or 7/30
7 EDTE 506/507C8 Assignments for Next Time EDTE 507 Complete your Media Production, the demo and the PowerPoint presentation due at the last class meeting, 7/27 or 7/30
8 EDTE 506/507C8 Discussion How would you build a learning community on your Web Learning Site? Would you want to create a community of learners? Why or why not? Let’s assume that you really want to implement a Web Learning Site. How would you convince school or district administrators that it’s a good idea? “Knowledge in the world” and “knowledge in the head” – which would you try to provide with your Web Learning Site? How? How would you adapt the MediaLitKit questions to teach media literacy to kids in your classroom?