Mr.H. How to use the Multiples of 10 Division Method Faribault Public Schools
Mr.H. Introduction Division (repeated subtraction) Using the multiples of 10 of the divisor for an easy way to divide.
Mr.H. Agenda Examples Practice problems to do on your white board
Mr.H. For a problem like 245 / 5 First of all write the problem like this Make a list of the multiples of 10 on the side
Mr.H. Then add brackets and your divisor 10 [5]= 20 [5]= 30 [5]= 40 [5]= 50 [5]= Then figure out the multiples
Mr.H. Determine what’s the biggest one that is equal or less that what you are dividing into… 10 [5]= 20 [5]= 30 [5]= 40 [5]= 50 [5]= Draw a line down the side of your problem Subtract the number you picked from your problem Put the multiple of 10 on the outside 40
Mr.H [5]= 20 [5]= 30 [5]= 40 [5]= 50 [5]= Since our number is smaller than our first answer ’50’ we need to go to the multiples less than ten by taking zeros away from both sides. Then repeat previous steps. XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX 5
Mr.H XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX 10 [5]= 20 [5]= 30 [5]= 40 [5]= 50 [5]= Repeat until your answer is less than 1 times your number. If it is zero you have no remainder. Excellent! If it’s not zero put R then that number after your outside total! 4 Add up your outside numbers 49