SciFiEd: Science Fiction in Education LLP-1-CY-Comenius-cmp Project Overview “Science is my territory, but science fiction is the landscape of my dreams.” This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The Partnership P1: CARDET LTD, Cyprus (Coordinator) P2: University of Pitesti, Romania P3: County Meath Vocational Educational Committee, Ireland P4: Public Library in Ursus District of the City of Varsavia, Poland P5: Innovade Ltd, Cyprus P6: ASEV, Italy
Research tells us that the introduction of narrative in science education significantly increases students’ memory, interest, and understanding The consortium believes that Sci-Fi narratives, in particular, can bring about impressive improvement in European science education Rationale of the SciFi-Ed Project
The SciFi-Ed project aims 1.To increase pupils’ motivation and achievement in science and other subjects, through the introduction of Science Fiction in education. 2.To enhance the quality of teaching Science and Technology, as well as an array of other subjects to children aged between 9-15 years old. 3.To connect science education with real-life issues such as the environment. 4.To provide girls and other marginalised groups with better access to science education. 5.To contribute to the improvement of initial teacher education and in- service professional development of science teachers and to the exchange of innovative teaching practices.
The SciFi-Ed project specific objectives 1.To introduce European educators of pupils aged between 9-15 to the genre of science fiction and its subgenres, and convince them about its literary and pedagogical value. 2.To provide educators with analytical information regarding acclaimed international and European authors of Science Fiction for children and young adults, and Sci-Fi titles available in partner countries. 3.To describe general approaches and specific methods and techniques to teach through Science Fiction key competences and concepts in Science and other important areas of the curriculum. 4.To support educators in utilizing film, multimedia, and Web 2.0 technologies to introduce Science Fiction in education. 5.To design sample Sci-Fi cross-curricular teaching units that may be used by educators but also function as models for building new teaching units. 6.To pilot and implement Sci-Fi cross-curricular units in European schools, record observations and conclusions, and make the results available to teachers, schools, and policy makers in the form of case-study descriptions. 7.To assort and disseminate relevant resources to European educators
The SciFi-Ed project Innovative Aspect European educational practice currently ignores or even downgrades Science Fiction SciFi-Ed is the first project of its kind to tap on the full potential of this exciting genre. The project’s innovation lies exactly in the interdisciplinary/ cross-curricular approach it proposes for infusing lessons across the curriculum with the power of a good Science Fiction story, and attracting students’ interest in science, technology, and an entire spectrum of other fields of knowledge.
Four Reasons in favour of using Science Fiction to teach science fact: 1.the power of a good story 2.sci-fi’s ability to make a potential future come alive 3.its potential to make people curious about scientific concepts 4.its tendency to provide insights into the world (Raham, 2004)
Sci-Fi stories in education Motivation and achievement in science and other subject Girls and other marginaled groups: better access to science education Enhance the quality of teaching Science and Technology
SciFiEd project outcomes: The Toolkit PART I: The SciFi-Ed Approach PART II: Introduction to Science Fiction and its Subgenres PART III: Review of significant SciFi Texts PART IV: Guidelines and ideas for incorporating SciFi PART V: Suggestions for utilizing film & ICT PART VI: Sample Cross-Curricular SciFi Units PART VII: SciFi-Ed Case Studies
Project Milestones Research report and summary of suggested approaches and methods Introduction to Science Fiction and its Subgenres Review of significant SciFi Texts for Children and Young Adults in partner countries Guidelines and ideas for incorporating SciFi in various educational areas Sample Cross-Curricular SciFi Units Working version of SciFi-Ed Toolkit (without the case studies) Teacher Training Modules Piloting and Implementation Publication of the complete SciFi-Ed Toolkit European Conference