We’ve given them computers. We’ve hooked them up. What more do we need to do?
Keynote Address PCERA 2002 Robert Kozma Center for Technology in Learning SRI International
Major Policy Commitments World Wide Review of ICT policies in: Singapore Norway Chile US
Major Investment in ICT Review of studies: US Europe SITES M1
Innovative Applications and Pedagogical Practices Types of applications in SITES M2: Project-Based Learning Collaborative Learning Web-Based Projects Web Resources Associated factors: National policies Local support
Growing Evidence of Impact Review of research: ETS study US Virtual High School Study
Gap Between Policy and Practice Review of Research: Rand Change Agent Study Cohen & Hill SITES M2
How can you fill the gap? Bottom up Top down
At the Bottom: Local Support School ICT plan Principal support Teacher training Technical & instructional support
At the Top: Align the System New educational tools and activities New curriculum New models for assessment New Roles for universities
New Educational Tools & Activities The importance of tools designed around the learning sciences Some examples: Knowledge Forum ChemSense
New Curriculum Higher-order thinking skills within knowledge domains: Problem solving skills Information management skills Communication skills
New Models for Assessment SITES M3 Performance assessment ICT skills Higher-order thinking skills Embedded in knowledge domains
New Roles for the University Pre-service ICT training In-service ICT training Develop educational tools and activities Broker policy and practice