Unit 14 Exercise, Health & Lifestyle Assignment 1 Lifestyle Factors
This unit relates to working in the fitness industry It is aimed at helping you to understand the different aspects that help maintain health & wellbeing Good health = helps you to achieve your maximum potential You will;- Look at factors that can positively and negatively influence your health & well being Assess someone’s current lifestyle Provide advice on improving their lifestyle & plan a 6 week programme
Assignment 1 – Lifestyle Factors P1 – Describe lifestyle factors that have an effect on health M1 – Explain the effects of identified lifestyle factors on health ‘health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity’ World Health Organisation
5 Lifestyle Factors Lifestyle = the way a person lives and reflects an individuals attitudes, values and behaviours There are 5 main lifestyle factors in maintaining health & wellbeing 1- Physical Activity 2- Healthy Diet 3- Not smoking 4- Avoiding excessive alcohol intake 5- Avoiding excessive stress
Physical Benefits of Physical Activity (link to long term effects of exercise) Strengthens bones Burns fat & improves body shape Improves posture Relieves stress Reduces risk of chronic disease Maintains flexibility & suppleness Improves CV fitness Improves sleep Boosts vitality & energy levels Reduces anxiety Boosts the immune system Improves concentration
Psychological Benefits of Physical Activity Improved concentration Relieves stress Reduces anxiety Reduced depression Improved mood Improved self esteem & body image
Social Benefits of Physical Activity Encourages connectedness (feeling part of a group) Improves social skills (interaction/communication) Reduces isolation (gets people out of their homes) Enhances self esteem & confidence (feel good about yourself and more likely to mix with others & be nice to others)
Economic Benefits of Physical Activity Reduces health costs Creates employment Supports local businesses Reduces absenteeism Enhances productivity