Demands and Challenges of “Health Care of the Future“ for Information Technologies University of Georgia, School of Health Sciences and Public health Tamar Lobjanidze Tevdore Sajeniuk Tbilisi October 23–26, 2012
Health Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well- being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (definition of WHO) Problems: Low accessibility Unfairness Growing expenditures
Healthy People 2020 – community where everyone lives a long and healthy life
Time – an important determinant for the spreading of a disease
Community and individual health management Laboratory tests Diagnostic procedures Treatment with surgical, radiological, chemical, therapeutic methods, telemedicine, etc. - using evidence-based approaches Drugs, vaccines, etc. Genetics and cells Studies in fundamental sciences and the health care sector Evidence-based management Positive environment Behavior, etc.
Individual biological, medical data Environment – air, water, climate, work place... Socioeconomic environment Health care system interventions, protocols, guidelines Country-other countries Lifestyle, behavior ინფორმაციის სინთეზი, გამოსავლები Information synthesis, Outcomes Information synthesis, Outcomes
Goals and Demands for the “New IT” system Collecting large amounts of data (individual, population, science) Entering 14/16 power data into the system simultaneously Processing 16 and high power data in the minimal period of time Accessing outcomes at any place of the world according to personalized access levels individual organization population country/ies, world Purpose to maintain and improve health via high-quality IT support
Who is he or she? Medical Profile Genetics Blood Physical data Medical procedures, medications Disease diagnostics, laboratory tests other Social Environment and Behavior Education Work, incomes Living place High risk behavior, etc. t
Future Paradigm :”4P” Transformation of Medicine and Healthcare from Treatment to Prevention Future Paradigm :”4P” Transformation of Medicine and Healthcare from Treatment to Prevention Preventive Personalized Predictive Participatory
Main Objective: to maintain and improve the quality of health via efficient, high-quality information systems Global level improving of global health regions and countries together WORLD Population level health of population region, country Individual level physical and mental health individual
Hierarchy of data, shape and functioning Obtaining form and personification Data calculations and synthesis of information Receiving outcomes Structured outcomes
Joint Research Networking Projects - Health Information Systems for YOU UNIV E RSITY s RC GOVER MENTs Other