Breaking the Chains 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC
10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC
Equipment Drivers Facilities Regulations & Work Rules Systems integration 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC
The number is not the problem it’s where they aren’t Mexican Volume Increase Change in the distribution Canada is at the end of the line 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC
Workforce is getting older Replacements are few and far between Dry Freight is the lesser of two evils Traceability (Electronic Monitoring) 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC
Vanishing port property Vancouver Batch and Hold Off Sites Add Complexity 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC
State, Federal & Work rule changes Weight and length restrictions on equipment International work rules 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC
ASN’s are not enough Information flow is one way Multiple legacy systems Updates are cost prohibitive 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC
Start from the bottom up: Systems Integration Not the complete answer but one hell of a start Rules and Regulations Facilities Drivers Equipment 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC
An integrated approach – Break the link Establish common metrics Data clearing house Forward, shared, dependable progress information 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC
Smart reasonable changes to work rules Cross Border Trucking a success Reasonable changes to Government Regulations 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC
Through Put facilities not holding yards If it ain’t there you can’t hold it Inland Port Processing Requires coordination between Customs, Ocean Carrier, Port Processor, Trucker and Rail Carrier 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC
Education Publicity Respect Recognition 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC
Review the current distribution models Reduce Equipment Complexity Improve the co-loading opportunity Establish more international point to point routes (NAFTA) 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC
Chain links denotes self containment Supply Process Flow requires transparency Improved Asset Utilization for the Industry 10/08/2014M. Colbeck - AWC