SFT News 24 th June 2013
Summer Students 1/27/2016 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 2 Last nameFirst nameSupervisorStart dateEnd Date# weeksoffice BartekFilipDANILO 1-Jul-136-Sep-13 10visitor room BeclinJeromeVASIL 10-Jun-136-Sep /r-c22 Garcia FealOrlandoBENEDIKT 1-Jul-1323-Aug-13 8visitor room GheorghiuAlexandruGERRI 9-Jul-1330-Aug /r-c07 NicolaouVasilisJAKOB 17-Jun-136-Sep-13 12visitor room SchwarzSachaVLADIMIR 1-Jul-1327-Sep-13 13visitor room Valles MartinJuanFEDERICO 1-Jul-1327-Sep /r-021 WindDavid KofoedAXEL 10-Jun-136-Sep /r-c17 KIMGainFEDERICO1-Jul Aug /r-021 MOHANTYSharadaFONS17-Jun Aug /r-b06 SIEGELZacharyJOHN24/6/201316/8/ /r-b07
More visitors Last nameFirst nameSupervisorStart dateEnd Date# weeksoffice EIEAndersAxel10/6/201310/8/ /r-c17 DELAMAREArnaudFederico8/7/20132/8/2013 2/r-021 CANALPhilippeAxel2/6/201322/6/ /r-c22 OFFERMANJanFonsjuly 232/r-c24 EGLIBeatJohn A.6/7/201312/7/2013 visitor room CristescuCristinaAxel1/7/2013 TS 32-R-C19 KousiNefeliDanilo1/7/2013 TS 32/r-c16 1/27/2016 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 3
EPLANET SFT contributes (leads) WP8 on Scientific Computing SFT committed to making 8 ER visits (0 ESR visits in plan) Term of project is 4 years, we are in year 3 Activities include, teaching, exercises, mentoring, software deployment 3 visits made so far Artem to UERJ in RIO (March 2012): hands-on CernVM Benedikt to USP in Sao Paolo (Sept 2012): teaching development practices and basics of concurrency, mentoring Danilo to UTFSM in Valparaiso (Sept 2012):teaching development practices and basics of concurrency, mentoring 5 visits still on “to-do” list 3 more to UERJ, 1 to UNLP (La Plata, AR), 1 to CBPF (Rio) 1/27/2016 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 4
EPLANET – plans for next 2 visits Jakob will visit UERJ (Rio) on October 23 rd for 2 weeks Contact Alberto Santoro Theme is “HEP data processing in the Cloud” Covers lectures, exercises, hands-on Stratum-0 service, volunteer platform Course outline : A 3 rd visit could be on GPU programming (Felice is interested) Next planned visit is to UNLP (La Plata, AR) team works on analysis in ATLAS (Higgs, SUSY searches, …) topics requested to be covered are "how to analyse data with ROOT" (oriented to general audience of PhD students from different fields) and the installation of PROOF, including the tutorial on how to use it.” I have asked Lorenzo and Gerri to prepare a detailed proposal 1/27/2016 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 5
EPlanet Subsistence European Commission provides, under the Marie Curie Programme, IRSES, a subsistence of 1750 euro/month to people detached in Latin America. This subsistence is handled through a CERN budget code (34502) The group can complete the subsistence to cover all the expenses. Things to remember: Flights to be booked well in advance The participant takes care of accommodation On place: fill in a time-sheet, make it sign by your responsible Prepare a report; “diary” of your activities on place (contacts, interactions, lectures…) needed for the end-of-year report Keep all the receipts, especially the BOARDING PASSES!!! 1/27/2016 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 6
EPlanet : Further Information Web sites Europe: LA: CERN share point space: 1/27/2016 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 7
New machine purchased The new generation intel chips are just out for workstations Haswell chip with new AVX2 (including FMA) Vincenzo has ordered a small W/S to sit in his office Intel DH87RL mainboard, H87 chipset Intel CPU i7-4770K, 3.5GHz Quadcore 16 GB DDR3 1600MHz (4 x 4GB) quad channelL4 256GB SSD Pro drive, SATA Vincenzo will report performance figures as soon as they are ready Open for other group members to make tests – contact V. 1/27/2016 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 8
Water Fountain The water fountain had to be repaired the filter was full of tape protecting the hole on top When changing the bottle PLEASE remove the protection Place the bottle vertically Place it on gently 1/27/2016 SFT Group Meeting 24th June 9