Implementation Guides and Other Resources Area Teacher Leaders ISBE I-STEM Summer 2015
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Implementation Guide Read through your practice standard on the implementation guide. Click on the sample task. Consider how that task elicits that Practice Standard. Consider how this can be used to influence instruction.
Share With your partner, share your views on how the sample task elicits the given practice. How might theses examples help shape your instruction? Content contained is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Teacher Guides Standard
Teacher Guide = Time Saver
Math Talks are used to: Review, practice, or reinforce procedures or concepts Explore mathematical connections and relationships
Math/Number Talk Examples – Number Strings – True/False Statements – Critiquing – Spatial Reasoning – Number lines
Let’s try a math talk Facilitator presents prompt Participants generate multiple methods Participants share methods Facilitator scribes
Problem 1: In which of these situations would the answer to the question be 0? a.Dave jumped into a pool from a diving board 10 feet above the water. He sank 10 feet and then swam to the surface. How many feet did Dave swim? b. A rock climbing path begins at an elevation of -50 feet. The path ends at an elevation of 50 feet. What is the difference between the elevation from the beginning and the end of the path?
c. Juan left school and walked 1.3 miles east. He then walked 1.3 miles west. How many miles us Juan from school? d. The high temperature was 15° Fahrenheit. The low temperature for the day was -15° Fahrenheit. What is the difference the difference between the high and low temperature?
6-12 Math Daily Discourse
Resources Illustrative Mathematics Inside Mathematics Mars Tasks Achieve the Core EngageNY Model Math Curriculum Resources