1 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Alma Analytics ELUNA | Athens, GA| May 2013 Asaf Kline Director, Alma Product Management
2 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential All of the information and material inclusive of text, images, logos, product names is either the property of, or used with permission by Ex Libris Ltd. The information may not be distributed, modified, displayed, reproduced – in whole or in part – without the prior written permission of Ex Libris Ltd. TRADEMARKS Ex Libris, the Ex Libris logo, Aleph, SFX, SFXIT, MetaLib, DigiTool, Verde, Primo, Voyager, MetaSearch, MetaIndex and other Ex Libris products and services referenced herein are trademarks of Ex Libris, and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All other product names, company names, marks and logos referenced may be trademarks of their respective owners. DISCLAIMER The information contained in this document is compiled from various sources and provided on an "AS IS" basis for general information purposes only without any representations, conditions or warranties whether express or implied, including any implied warranties of satisfactory quality, completeness, accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. Ex Libris, its subsidiaries and related corporations ("Ex Libris Group") disclaim any and all liability for all use of this information, including losses, damages, claims or expenses any person may incur as a result of the use of this information, even if advised of the possibility of such loss or damage. © Ex Libris Ltd., 2013 Copyright Statement
3 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Agenda Alma Analytics Concepts What’s New What’s Next What else?
4 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Agenda Alma Analytics Concepts What’s New What’s Next What else?
5 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Analytics - Data-Driven Decision Making Predictive Analytics Prescriptive Analytics Hindsight Insight Foresight Value Difficulty WHAT happened? Primarily batch and some ad hoc reports WHY Did it happen? Increase in ad hoc reporting and Information on demand HOW should we take action? Dashboard for managers and analysts WHAT WILL Happen? Data-driven planning and forecasting HOW CAN we make it happen? Ability to model, manage, and adapt Descriptive Analytics Managed Reporting Ad Hoc Reporting Analytics Dashboards Scorecards & Benchmarking
6 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Alma Analytics Approach
7 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Agenda Alma Analytics Concepts What’s New What’s Next What else?
8 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Scheduling and Distribution Alma handles the scheduling and distribution Alma Anlytics (OBI) generates a distributable file (e.g. pdf) Designers define scheduled reports Consumers “subscribe” to them
9 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Analytics API Analytics and Reporting Alma Analytics [OBI]Alma External Program …. …
10 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Fund Burn Down
11 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Usage and Cost per Use – Live
12 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Ustat and Alma UStat Alma Usage MMS/Titles Orders/Cost
13 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Usage and CPU 2 “dimensions” to Cost per Use: Cost as it relates to usage measurements Cost is yearly May be multiple payments Usage as it relates to how resources are subscribed to Specific title Package
14 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Agenda Alma Analytics Concepts What’s New What’s Next What else?
15 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Additional Subject Areas Electronic Inventory: Portfolios Collections Usage (Alma generated) Courses and Reading Lists Separate Integrated in other areas Requests and Booking
16 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Usage (Alma Generated) Not to be confused with vendor usage Captured via the Uresolver Result in Primo Other sources using the Service Page Example Business Questions What services were provided? What queries ended without any services? What were the sources/ip ranges that accessed the system?
17 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Embedded - Usage and Cost Per Use Staff Search Cost Per Use Purchase Order Usage and Cost Per Use For Trial/Evaluation/Renewal processes
18 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Agenda Alma Analytics Concepts What’s New What’s Next What else?
19 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Analytics Provide a set of subject areas and tools to gain insight into the structure and use of your collection Areas Print Inventory Print Usage (Loans, Requests) Electronic Inventory Electronic Usage (COUNTER, Uresolver) Cost per Use Tools Overlap Analysis Understand what you have, how its used and how you can do better
20 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Collection Analysis Collection Level/Discipline Call number/Classification ranges Embedded and Actionable Part of Purchasing Workflow Cancel/Renew/Order based on facts and analysis
21 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential KPIs A key performance indicator (KPI) is industry jargon for a type of performance measurement. jargonperformance measurement An organization may use KPIs to evaluate its success, or to evaluate the success of a particular activity in which it is engaged
22 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential KPIs Purchase order processing time Avg Over X days Vendor supply time Avg Over X days Avg % of items not picked up by user Regular ILL Request processing time Avg Over X days Cancelled/Aborted
23 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Dashboards Based on KPIs and Main “Counts” Management Roles Director Department Head Spending/Student Headcount Funds’ Burn Down (YTD) Electronic Materials % of the Collection Circulation Status by Year Added E-journals: Annual Usage E-Journals: Average Cost per Use New Titles per Library
24 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Dashboards Resource Usage by FundOverlap in New Purchases Request Time to Fulfillment Digital Submissions by DepartmentILL Requests Converted to Purchases Purchase Digitize Loan
25 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Dashboards
26 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Cross Institution Reporting Benchmark Analytics how does my usage compare to other institutions “like” me Network Analytics what is usage like across the members of the consortia
27 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Benchmark Analytics Allows you to compare your performance against peers (and others) for better insight. Based on: KPIs, Main “Counts” DWH Institutional Registry
28 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Benchmark Analytics
29 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Network Analytics Extend analysis beyond KPIs Network level collection analysis Strengths Weaknesses Overlap Collaborative Collection Development Usage ILL vs Purchases
30 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential Alma Analytics Continue to extend the range of data and entities available via Alma Analytics Provide new types of analytics via KPIs Contextualized and actionable via embedded reports Initial stages of network level analytics
31 Ex Libris Ltd., Internal and Confidential 31 Thank You