connect communicate collaborate LHCONE Diagnostic & Monitoring Infrastructure Richard Hughes-Jones DANTE Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe LHCONE Workshop, Berkeley, January 2012
connect communicate collaborate What do we need? Requirements: Measure & store historical network performance data Provide Alarms for operations staff / NOCs – use of dashboards Enable detailed on-demand tests Useful to real people e.g. NOCs, end users, and network experts Available on LHC sites as well as in the network providers Network Characteristics to be observed: Utilisation Packet loss Latency (jitter) TCP & UDP achievable throughput End-to-end traceroute Light levels / Link Status Network availability
connect communicate collaborate What types of network? The world wide layer3 VRFs Static End-to-end Layer 2 paths End-to-end Dynamic Circuits Connections to and at exchange points
connect communicate collaborate A suggested way forward Build on what we have Use the existing perSONAR framework both MDM & PS Benefit from the work done in DICE The European, TA, & US monitoring frameworks interoperate. It is working & in place now. Both technical & operational aspects have been agreed DICE Service Description Document could form the basis for LHCONE
connect communicate collaborate What do we have now? Cacti traffic utilisation plots on GEANT & NREN VRF access links
connect communicate collaborate What do we have now? NREN Weather maps for the VRFs Renater WeathermapDFN Weathermap
connect communicate collaborate What do we have now and where are we going? Current situation Cacti traffic utilisation plots on GEANT & NREN VRF access links NREN Weather maps perfSONAR MDM across GEANT & NREN routed IP perfSONAR PS in Esnet & Internet2 Future work Make the cacti data available via perfSONAR MDM Enable perfSONAR MDM MPs in the VRFs: – In GÉANT end of TA links Ams Fra – In the NRENs Working with the LHC users, extend perfSONAR MDM into the Tier x sties Make our data available to the LHC sites Create the monitoring framework for BoD circuits Include monitoring exchange points MP
connect communicate collaborate LHCONE Pilot Visualised by the WLCG Real Time Monitor from IC Janusz Martyniak Imperial College London Good collaboration network users Keen to have the network overlay
connect communicate collaborate Time Scales Jan 2012 Point to Point circuits are available site-to-site E2Emon is available – multi-domain status & problem localisation Mid 2012 VRF monitoring fully in place (European & US) – Make the cacti data available via perfSONAR MDM – Enable perfSONAR MDM MPs in the VRFs: – In GÉANT end of TA links Ams Fra – In the NRENs – Working with the users, extend perfSONAR MDM to the Tier x sties – Make our data available to the LHC sites End 2012 Bod/Circuit monitoring: requirements, definitions, initial implementation Mid 2013 BoD services available in LHC countries? (NORDUnet, HEAnet, JANET, SURFnet, Pionier, GRnet) Create the monitoring framework for future BoD circuits Beginning 2014
connect communicate collaborate ANY QUESTIONS ?