Symbols and Archetypes Fahrenheit 451 Symbols and Archetypes
Definitions Symbol- Person, place, thing, or event that stands for itself and something beyond itself Archetype- Universal symbol Note: Not all symbols are archetypes, but all archetypes are symbols.
451 degrees Fahrenheit Temperature at which paper burns Fire can have either a negative or positive connotation depending on its use. Examples: Negative- destruction Positive- warmth
Guy Montag As a symbol… Guy could refer to anyone--maybe this is suggestive. He is the protagonist because he starts the action, and he will be transformed.
Guy Montag As an allusion… Harold Montag- owner of the Montag Brothers’ paper company, formerly largest paper co. Montag- name of furnace company Guy Fawkes- conspirator of a plot to blow up the English Houses of Parliament in 1605 Harold E. Montag was part of a secretive honor society. Huge donator to Georgia Tech Mead supposedly owned the paper and furnace companies. Fawkes was Catholic
Clarisse Age 17 Name is Latin for “brightest.” Symbolizes the people who can think Smells like apricots & strawberries (refreshing) She wears white (innocence and wisdom) Archetypal character- the herald
Mildred Is an example of conformity Represents the members of society who think that they are happy but really are not Has lost the ability to think and function Submerses herself in technology
“this great python” Metaphor for the fire hose Allusion to the great serpent, reminder of Adam and Eve’s temptation to disobey God in the Garden of Eden It also represents evil because of the destruction it brings. Look for other snake references/descriptions!
“pigeon-winged books” Birds= freedom Books= knowledge, wisdom This connection between books and birds continues throughout the text and symbolizes enlightenment (freedom) through reading.
Salamander Greek for “fire lizard” Believed to be a creature of fire. Myths described it as fire resistant or capable of living in fire. In fact, salamanders are shy animals who often hide among logs and they were just trying to escape from the heat. How could this idea relate to the firemen? Remember this is one of their symbols. people would put logs on campfires and be amazed when these little creatures scuttled out
Phoenix a symbol of immortality and resurrection In Egyptian mythology, a lone bird that lives in Arabian desert for 500 or 600 years and then sets itself on fire, rising renewed from the ashes to start another long life A symbol of the firemen
“black beetle-colored helmet” In literature, the beetle, with its prominent black horns, is a symbol for Satan. The helmet is part of the uniform. The firemen’s vehicles are called beetles in this dystopian society. The color black as an archetype can represent oppression, evil, unknown, etc.
Hearth The floor of a fireplace or the area in front of it Symbolizes the home
Other objects “parlor walls”- big screen TV’s, mindless entertainment (technology) Mildred refers to the actors/actresses as her “relatives.” The “Seashells”- earbuds that block out thoughts & diminish social interaction- mindless entertainment (technology)