MASCOT, ROSETTA,… Examples of CNES activity in Proximity Links
2 MASCOT antennas mission Communication architecture baseline : ► JAXA RF-module will be integrated inside MASCOT (at the sides of the MASCOT E-Box) ► Redundant transceiver with two antennas (one on the top and on the bottom) to ensure RF-link between Mascot and HY-2 durind Surface Operation Phase ► MASCOT-dedicated antenna on MESS for RF-link during cruise Rx/Tx 1 Rx/Tx 2 RF Load MASCOT HY-2 OME-E HY-2 OME-A MESS-Antenna Mascot Antenna 2 (redundancy) Mascot Antenna 1 RF-link used during cruise RF-link used during mission CNES Antenna team development MASCOT (DLR ) is one of the 2 landers of HAYABUSA-2 (JAXA) CNES provide RF expertise and UHF antennas to DLR who is responsible of the UHF Prox Link MASCOT-HB2
3 MASCOT antennas accommodation and main specifications Strong accommodation and mass constraints ► Patch antenna solution preferred ► Antennas are adapted on the frequency band [954.3 – 954.7] MHz ► Spherical coverage with one antenna on each side ► Strong temperature range to take into account ► Polarization is circular (LHCP or RHCP TBC) Top view of mascot Available areas for MASCOT antennas Realized Prototypes (A.Bellion DCT/RF/AN)
4 MASCOT antenna design and main performances ► Several patch designs & radomes have been realized to measure there effects ► The overall structure of antennas has been incorporated in dedicated tool to take into account all material effect ► Good behavior of first prototype in terms of measured gain (better than -10dB in any directions) ► Higher antenna dimension less than 105 mm with no more than 75 g mass (square or circular patch) ► Need to be improved to face with frequency variations against temperature (around -100 to +100°C)
5 ► RF link for rosetta mission CNES is responsible of the S-band proximity link of Rosetta, for the air interface. CNES specified and procured the S band ISL Equipments ( Rx/Tx from Syrlinks – also used on « Deep Impact » of NASA- and antennas ) ROSETTA : an ESA/DLR/CNES cometarian mission
6 Antenna accommodation and associated constraints ► Initial accommodation analysis of patch TM/TC antenna ► On the orbiter ► On the lander ► Realization of S band patch antennas for TM/TC orbiter and lander RF link ► Optimisation of antennas accommodation to minimise environment influence ► Realization of dedicated mockups for ► The comet face of the orbiter ► The lander ► Compact Range measurements and ► optimization of antennas location ► on both structures
7 Objectives: ► Objectives: study highly integrated components (RFIC & Base band) issued from Mobile Phone technologies, and design adaptations to be compliant to micro Prox-Links and micro TTC requirements of very small platforms (e.g. nano & pico satellites, HAYABUSA-2 like landers). ► Requirements: design a TTC transponder or Prox-Link equipement compatible in terms of frequency (S-Band EES or UHF 900 MHz), waveforms (up: PCM/PM, down: OQPSK/GMSK : for TTC; more open for Prox-Links), data rates (up: (o) 10kbps; down: (o) 1 Mbps), size and consumption adapted to constraints of very small platforms & 2012 ► Calendar: (initial study: 3 months for identifying components according preliminary requirements), 2011 & 2012 (2x8 months studies: produce several designs & approaches, validate design through simulations, and evaluate components in hardness environment). Industrial Partner: a major ICs supplier. ► Results: Two components identified: RFIC 2G/3G/LTE (inc. LNAs, flexible frequency synthesis, DACs/ADCs, AGC, D/C cancellation, Doppler precompensation), and Base Band chip (ASIC with reprogrammable part: embedded I/F controller with RFIC, Doppler cancellation with Phase / Time recovery, Modem). Estimated max (worst case). DC consumption (Full Duplex mode): 450mW (RFIC) + 240mW (BB) / Size: 50 mm² (RFIC) + 64mm² (BB). On-going (2012; early 2013): On-going (2012; early 2013): finalize transponder design and approach (coherent / non-coherent), evaluate components in hardness environment Mobile Phone Technologies Application for Prox-Links and microTTC