Visit to 3D seismic field operations at Whitecastle, LA to observe operation of Sercel Eagle Opseis 388 recording system May 9, 2005
Courtesy of David Phillips, Party Manager (Left, above), Tidelands Geophysical Co., Inc and and Lee Lugge of Hawkeye Stratigraphic Participating LSU Graduate Students: Sidney E. (center) Clay W. (right)
Seismic doghouse/recording truck 20kW diesel generator- lower RF interference than gasoline unit
Radio-telemetry system is limited in part by line-of- sight. A 100’-high telescopic antenna provides longest line-of-sight over 10 miles. Unit is powered by diesel engine and adapted from drilling rig; Cavity filters in parallel can focus RF energy at receiving frequencies although with substantial energy loss (~25%) RADIO ANTENNA
Inside Seismic Doghouse/Recording Truck Observer “Sonny” controls shooting. Spectrum analyzer monitors RF traffic QC plot of paper shot records