M RS. M ULLER ’ S C LASS M ONSTER P ROJECT With Mrs. Huber’s Legend Springs Elementary School in Phoenix, Arizona
P ROJECT D ESCRIPTION Each class created a monster using either a drawing program (KidPix) or by hand. We then wrote a description of our monster and sent it to our partner class. Only using our description the partner class tried to recreate our monster.
S TUDENTS Click on Student Name togo to their page directly. MichaelShana MaxEmily Aidan C.McKenzie SarahSam EmmaEva CoriSteven JamesAshley BenMary Aidan M.Brendan DrewAidan P. JillianKristen
M ICHAEL My Monster has a green antenna, two yellow arms, two fingers on each arm, one red bouncing leg, one rectangle foot, one black smiling mouth, and one human eye with a pupil.
S HANA My monster has a round red face. It also has red legs that stick out from its head. He has black ears. It also has black eyes, a black mouth, black eyebrows and black straight hair sticking up from its head.
M AX My monster is a circle shape outlined in red fur. Inside the circle is also red. It has red feet. It has a white mouth. It has white eyes and nose and ears.
E MILY My monster has a green mouth and eyes. It has green antlers. He has four yellow legs and 4 brown feet. His circle body is rainbow colored. He has violet flippers and a plus sign over his eyes.
A IDAN C. My monster has two wings that are brown squares. One eye is a backwards V and one is straight. It has little red; round feet. It has a gray mustache. It is saying “Hi friend”. Its head is purple. His name is Jake.
M C K ENZIE. My monster’s name is Chip. He has square body that has a purple outline. He has pink eyes and a pink mouth. His ears are orange ears. His feet are Green squares with backwards Ls in them. On top of his head he had brown antennas
S ARAH My monster has square pink ears and 2 purple dots on each of the them is all made out of squares and dots. The dots are purple and the squares are pink.it has pink fat legs and 2 dots in each leg and it has 1 fat arm and 1 skinny arm. Its face has pink and purple eyes, a pink smile and a pink nose.
S AM My monster is made of six squares. I have big square turtle back with sixteen purple dots inside squares. The legs are yellow squares, outlined in black with two green lines one each side. The hands are made of red and blue rectangles outlined in black. Its head is made of a black rectangle with two black eyes and a mouth.
E MMA My monster has a pink cooking hat. This monster has a green oval head with two black eyes, a black nose and a black mouth. His body is a rectangle outlined in black and filled with green. His arms and hands are green too, outlined with black.
E VA My monster has her face outlined in black,has pink freckles,a dog mouth and pink ears, a purple hat, diamond arms and pink wings with purple dots. And purple legs.
C ORI My monster has a purple outline and inside it is black and it’s an oval. Two of the legs are outlined in black and the other two are outlined in brown the inside of both are brown. My mouth is straight and I have two square eyes and the eyes and mouth are gray and there are two antennae that are gray.
S TEVEN My monster is a great big black circle with one red eye. He has a yellow spider on top of his head. The spider has a blue dot. He has two black ears shaped like backwards “Ls”. He has six black legs with circles at the bottom. He has eight black arms, four on each side. They in the letter Y.
J AMES The body is round and red. The eyes are round and they are blue. It’s mouth is a rectangle and the teeth are gray. The arms are black and the outline and the outline of the arms is blue. The legs and feet are straight and they are black. For hair it has a gray outline of the Mohawk and the inside is pink. My monster is wearing shorts with snowflakes on them.
A SHLEY The mouth is dark pink and it is a line. The arms are blue and it is straight. The head and the body are square. The head is a purple outline and the body is a red outline. The eyes are light pink. The legs are black lines with no feet.
B EN My monster looks like a bee it has a top hat and a flag. My monster has three eyes and six black legs. It has a staff and two black arms. It has yellow stripes. My Monster has an oval shaped body.
M ARY My monster has a yellow hat and a white puff ball on it. It is outlined in purple, inside the purple there is a light coating of purple. My name is Cookie. Red is the color of my mouth. I have light blue eyes and dark purple ears. That’s pretty much it for now it’s hard to say this but it’s time to go.
A IDAN M. My monster is a dark green circle with a light blue inside and neon green stripes. It has two blue ovals for arms. He has a black top hat with a black line for a mouth with a red tongue sticking out it also has a black triangle for a nose. It has a blue tail and two black dots with diagonal lines. This is what my monster looks like.
B RENDAN My monster has one big blue leg and two blue arms. It also has a green face with black eyes. He has a yellow head with a green face with black eyes and a big red mouth.
D REW My monster has orange basketball shaped ears. He has big red eyes. His mouth is red with gray sharp teeth. His body is black with black spikey hair. His legs and are outlined in black.
A IDAN P. My monster is a black fireball. It has a purple line coming off its tail and black teeth with red dot. It has black teeth and eyebrows with red dots. On the side it has gray fur..
J ILLIAN My monster has 5 black legs and little blue feet and big yellow eyes with a big red circle mouth. His name is Dog Face. He has big brown ears and a little yellow nose and it has yellow stripes across its black face.
K RISTEN My monster is a little light purple oval with a 4 inch yellow hat. It also has black arms with two fingers. It has little brown legs. It has little green circles for ears too. Its eyes are blue its nose a circle of brown and a smiling red mouth. That’s all you need to know about my monster.