Erik Johansson Stockholm University ATLAS Outreach ATLAS video is a great success Presently translated to eight languages Made into CD (in American, Italian, Swedish) Brochures The technical spin-off of ATLAS ATLAS general The technical challenges of ATLAS The technical spin-off of particle physics?
Erik Johansson Stockholm University In the pipeline Several projects ATLAS CD-ROM New visitor’s itinery ….but people are so busy building the detector!
Erik Johansson Stockholm University Swedish visits to CERN Activities in Sweden Particle physics for teachers Lund 2000 (> 100 teachers) Gothenburg 2001 (>50 teachers) Particle physics section of the Physical Society Uppsala 2001 Hands on CERN projects/workshops Stockholm region every year
Erik Johansson Stockholm University Visitors at CERN (mostly several days to a week)
Erik Johansson Stockholm University CERN visits Main attractions DELPHI (and LEP) ATLAS (and LHC) Main obstacle The costs, particularly the airfare
Erik Johansson Stockholm University CERN’s future Activites at home create an interest to visit CERN Outreach /teaching/ activities are an important complement to the physics research
Erik Johansson Stockholm University In the footsteps of Galileo The Renaissance of the Natural Science A Swedish culture-of-physics project in Italy 27 Oct - 4 Nov physics teachers
Erik Johansson Stockholm University Programme Visit to historical places and science museums in: Pisa Florence Padua Venice Lectures by professionals in Galileo and the history of science
History of Science The exploration of the history of science is interesting and amusing and a good complement to the modern physics