Multimedia Authoring Programs CECS 5110
Multimedia Authoring Programs Create multimedia titles Produce content w/paint, text & animation tools Design screen layout Create interactivity Incorporate text, sound, video, animation & graphics Create hyperlinks
Multimedia Uses Multimedia Presentations One-way, linear communication process Similar to slide show Stand-Alone Applications One-on-one situations User control – view & review selections hyper linking
How Authoring Systems Work Metaphor Used Electronic Slide Shows Card Stack and Book Metaphor Icon-based Authoring Programs Time-based Authoring Programs
Electronic Slide Show Metaphor Example: PowerPoint Advantages Easy to learn & use Inexpensive Disadvantages Linear Non-interactive nature
Card Stack and Book Metaphor Examples: – HyperCard – linked cards – ToolBook – each page is a screen ToolBook
Card Stack and Book Metaphor Disadvantages –Some run only on one platform –Tools not as powerful as equiv. stand-alones Advantages –Easy to understand metaphor –1 screen = 1 card = 1 page –Easy to use Provide template Short development time
Icon-based Authoring Programs Authorware – uses symbols in a flowchart scheme Advantages Easy to see structure, flow and branching Easy to edit and update Disadvantages Less intuitive Difficult to learn
Time-based Authoring Programs Macromedia Director - movie metaphor Advantages Good for creating animation Branching, user control, interactivity Disadvantages Expensive Steep learning curve for advanced features Example
Programming Languages Scripting – code generated within authoring programs Examples: Toolbook to handle buttonClick Flip 4 pages end buttonClick
Programming Languages Scripting – code generated within authoring programs Examples: Director’s Lingo on mouseUp go to frame 20 end mouseUp
Choosing Authoring System Based on: Target playback system Desired features Development timeline Budget Developer’s expertise
The End University of North Texas Dr. Vicky Cereijo