The Great Depression Maria Perez, Jeff Smith, John Paul, Jerry McMahon
Black Tuesday Black Tuesday is October 29,1929 It is when the New York Stock Exchange crashed It is the official start of the Great Depression Became Worldwide News September 4,1929
End of the Depression With the war going on the government created an industry employing thousands of people Reduced 10% of the unemployment rate Thousands of people were employed by the U.S government as soldiers
Changes to the Economy 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt was inaugurated He instituted regulations to fight deflating “cut throat competition” through the NRA Setting minimum prices, wages, labor standards and competitive conditions in all industries Government got more involved in everyday social economic lives of people
New Deal The New Deal were reforms and relief/recovery programs and social security It gave the American citizens hope to get out of the depression
Dust Bowl The Dust Bowl was the part of the mid west that stopped receiving rain The topsoil turned to dust and blew around in dust storms
Dust Bowl Affects The Dust Bowl made it so the soil dried up and there was no water for the farmers to farm. Taking their food supply and income away
Affects of Agriculture The Dust Bowl made agriculture nearly impossible. This caused the farmers and their employers to nearly lose all their money
Works Cited DepressionHttp:// Depression f+the+dust+bowl:+for+people+of+the+Sou thern+Plains,+the+...-a http:// f+the+dust+bowl:+for+people+of+the+Sou thern+Plains,+the+...-a