ROO1REVISION LO1 How ICT can be used to meet business needs LO3 Know how ICT can be used to support business working practices LO2 Know how to work with information and data to meet specified needs LO4 Understand how legal, ethical, safety and security issues affect how computers should be used How ICT is used by individuals and businesses Factors affecting the choice of system Connecting peripherals to a computer system Connecting to a wireless network Monitoring of employees by organisations Data capture methods Storing data Data Transfer Backups and recovery How legislation affects business computer users How moral and ethical issues affect business computer users The implications and consequences for organisations of data loss, corruption and theft How businesses can communicate with employees and others working remotely How diary management software can be used to organise work schedules Creating and editing documents collaboratively Threats to data security and how to deal with them
Useful Revision Resources Keywords LO2 The types of data you need to know are: – Text – any character – Integer – whole number – Real numbers (floats) – numbers with decimal places – Date – date/time – Boolean - true or false eg. M or F, Yes or No – Image – a graphic file Coding data is used to save space in a spreadsheet/database file – Data can be coded eg. Y or N instead of Yes or No – Every item in a database is given a code that can be searched for or sorted into order – Data such as ‘red animated car’ is more complicated than a code such as ‘ani_car_red’ and takes longer to process Verification checks that the data entered is the same as on the original data capture sheet – Double-entry – you have to enter the data twice (sometimes two different people) so the computer can alert the person writing the data to any issues – Visual check – see if the data in the computer is the same as the original data capture sheet Validation – presence check - ensures that data is actually entered by the user – data type check - ensures that the data is the correct type – format or picture check - ensures that the data is in the correct format – range check - ensures that the data is within set limits – character check - ensures that only allowed characters can be entered and others are rejected.! Data Capture Methods computingMK OCR Nationals Revision Book pages LO2 Fling The Teacher in the student drive Data type Boolean Integer Float/real number Date Image Data capture Coding data Data accuracy Verification Validation Presence check Range check Format check Paper form Online form
Useful Revision Resources Keywords LO2 The nature and type of the information to be collected will determine the way data is captured – Customers names and phone numbers are text (remember 0 is removed by a computer) – How many centimetres a piece of artwork is would be numbers Data Capture Methods computingMK OCR Nationals Revision Book pages LO2 Fling The Teacher in the student drive Nature of information Manual capture Automatic capture Data capture form Drop-down menu Boxes Textbox Radio button Barcodes Matrix bar codes (QR) Manual paper-based forms Pre-printed forms with questions and spaces for the answers Paper-based forms are often filled out by a member of staff who asks questions and then writes the answers onto the form Sensors / bar code readers Barcodes Matrix (QR codes) Sensors NFC RFID Online data capture forms Similar to data capture forms but automatically captured from the user (does not require a human to help) Drop-down menus Boxes Textboxes Radio buttons
Useful Revision Resources Keywords LO2 Quick Response Codes (QR codes) – Also called matrix bar codes – They contain more data than a normal bar code – The code is made up of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background and can be read much faster than ordinary bar codes. – QR codes can be read by a smartphone using a free app. – Animated World Books could have one to link to a webpage about their artwork Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags – Small devices which use radio waves to transfer data from the tag to a computer system – RFID tags could be use to allow different access rights to each area of AWB offices Near field communications (NFC) – Often called ‘contactless’ – Used in shops to pay for items under a certain limit without the need for a PIN – Used in smartphones to create radio links over a very short range of a few centimetres or less (touch/tap another device that is close) – You don’t need to pair like with Bluetooth but it is slower to transfer data Sensors – Convert physical variables, such as temperature, pressure or light, into electrical signals. – They can be used for measuring the temperature or light levels of offices, which could then be used in controlling an air conditioning system Data Capture Methods computingMK OCR Nationals Revision Book pages LO2 Fling The Teacher in the student drive Matrix bar codes (QR) RFID tags NFC Analogue and digital data
Useful Revision Resources Keywords LO2 Why is it better? Data Capture Forms – Drop-down menus – Boxes – Textboxes – Radio buttons Data Capture Methods computingMK OCR Nationals Revision Book pages LO2 Fling The Teacher in the student drive Automatic capture Data capture form Drop-down menu Boxes Textbox Radio button Barcodes
Useful Revision Resources Keywords LO2 How could Catherine make use of matrix barcodes? John, a new customer, must set up an account by completing a form on the website before he can place an order. To do this, he will need to choose a username and enter the country where he lives. – Explain why each username used on the Animated World Books website must be unique – Explain how the form could make sure that John can enter only a valid country name – Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using an online form rather than customers expressing an interest on paper? Explain one possible disadvantage caused by using a paper-based form to capture the information Richard needs Richard has created a user form on his website which people can fill in and submit if they want further information. What are all the features of a user form and what is their purpose? Explain why the use of data validation could improve the effectiveness of the data that is submitted on these forms? Explain the role of data verification in data capture What types of data might the input form include? Design a suitable online data capture form. Marks will be awarded for: items to be included; good use of space; fitness for purpose; annotations to justify decisions The results of the input form get stored in a database. Why is data coded in a database and give an example of what it would look like? Explain how cost would influence the decision about whether to adopt RFID technology Data Capture Methods computingMK OCR Nationals Revision Book pages LO2 Fling The Teacher in the student drive Data type Boolean Integer Float/real number Date Image Data capture Coding data Data accuracy Verification Validation Nature of information Manual capture Automatic capture Data capture form Drop-down menu Boxes Textbox Radio button Presence check Range check Format check Paper form Online form Analogue and digital data Barcodes Matrix bar codes (QR) RFID tags NFC
Useful Revision Resources Keywords LO2 There are two categories of file format: Proprietary – Owned by a software company, you need permission to produce software that uses it – docx (Word); fla (Flash); wma (audio file) Open – Other software companies can use them – txt (text file); pdf (document); mp3 (compressed audio) The choice of file format will depend on – The contents – What software it was made on – How Animated World Books intends to use the file eg. Sending an image to a client would need an open, compressed image file eg. jpg so they don’t need any specialist software Animated World Books will need to consider security so they do not lose data – Most simply they can use physical security to protect their data – guards/keys/bars – Biometrics/RFID tags in staff badges could allow access to certain areas – AWB staff need to also take precautions – log off, save regularly – AWB can control which staff can see specific files and folders using permissions and what they can do with them with access rights eg. read/write – AWB’s website will need to be secure – using the https protocol when customers enter sensitive information. Then the data would be encrypted (scrambled) when it is sent. The same encryption key can unscramble the message eg. The bank taking payment Storing data computingMK OCR Nationals Revision Book pages LO2 Fling The Teacher in the student drive File format Proprietary Open format Data security Access rights Permissions Physical security Security badges Encryption Secure website https protocol
Useful Revision Resources Keywords LO2 The internet is a large network of computers You can connect to it via your network: – Wired network can be expensive due to cabling especially if the building is old All devices connect to a hub, switch or router (see Network hardware sheet) – Wireless network you connect via a wireless access point; uses radio waves Netbooks, tablets and smartphones have built-in wireless adapters Richard travels around the world so might make use of: – 3G/4G – mobile internet on his smartphone/netbook/laptop (possibly with tethering which is where you use your smartphone or mobile phone as a modem) – 3G/4G is not usually as fast as wired/wireless networks (though I would not completely agree with OCR!) – 4G has a greater bandwidth than 3G so it will be quicker for Richard to use the ‘net – He needs to consider roaming charges if using his smartphone abroad, mobile data is particularly expensive outside of Europe and is not included in most data plans – He might choose to connect to a ‘hotspot’ but he should be aware that this is a public open network so someone could potentially hack into his equipment as steal data It’s the combination of bandwidth and latency that determines the data transfer speed: – Bandwidth is the amount of data that can transfer through an internet connection – Latency is the time delay between when you click on a link and the time when this is detected Data Transfer computingMK OCR Nationals Revision Book pages LO2 Fling The Teacher in the student drive Internet Wired network Wireless network 3G 4G Wireless Access Point Hotspot Data transfer speeds Bandwidth Latency Router
Useful Revision Resources Keywords LO2 Animated world books would use – Internally – staff might each other, particularly if some work from home – Externally – they might customers about artwork It is unlikely that they would use to send graphics as the graphics are likely to be too large AWB might use file sharing to share graphics files – the creators would upload to a file server and then the person who needs to see the graphic could download it Peer-to-peer file sharing might be used which a file can be transferred from one device to another without using the file server Cloud computing is becoming more popular – Users usually don’t know the location of the servers as they do not own them – The company offering the Cloud computing is responsible for the security/uptime of the server which can be more cost-effective for a small company as they don’t have to purchase the equipment/security themselves – Issues to do with some cloud computing as to who owns the rights to the files – You can only access a file via the internet so require a connection When transferring any images or documents AWB will need to consider optimisation and compression: – The aim of optimisation is to reduce the time it takes to access a website (or run a program) and compression is needed to reduce the image file size – The lower the file size, the quicker it will transfer/display in browser etc. Data Transfer computingMK OCR Nationals Revision Book pages LO2 Fling The Teacher in the student drive File sharing Cloud computing File compression Optimisation
Useful Revision Resources Keywords LO2 You need to remember the difference between a backup and an archive – Backup – a copy of a file that is currently/regularly in use – Archive – a collection of files that are no longer used reguarly but need to be kept The type of backup needed will depend on the scenario in the exam – The AWB HQ might have tape systems or additional servers to save backups and archives – Richard, as he is travelling, might use CD/DVDRW or USB memory sticks to backup his work or send to clients (he will need to be careful not to lose them!) – Incremental backups only create copies of the data that is new or changed. You can get syncing software to do this even with portable hard drives, You can restore from an incremental backup quickly – but may lose your most recent work – It is a good idea to make backups on different types of removable media in different places – there is no point Richard having a backup of graphics work in the hotel room sat next to his laptop A disk image is a complete copy of a disk. It is not just a copy of the files on the disk but also of the disk file structure Backups and recovery computingMK OCR Nationals Revision Book pages LO2 Fling The Teacher in the student drive Backup Archive Frequency Removable media Incremental backup Disk image Tape system CD/DVDR/W USB memory stick