EP101 Unit 2: Setting the Stage for Learning Please have your book handy. Feel free to chat with each other. We will start class at 8 PM ET!
Classroom Management Classroom Management covers all aspects of the learning environment. Physical Environment Student Behavior Respectful Environment Facilitate Instruction Promote safety and wellness Interact with colleagues, parents, and others When planning all of these areas, as a teacher, your “philosophy of education” will come into play. (Burden, p. 2-3)
Behavior Off-task behavior: “student actions that are not focused on the instructional activities, yet would not be considered to be disruptive” (Burden, p. 3) Misbehavior: “behavior that interferes with your teaching, interferes with the right of others to learn, is psychologically or physically unsafe, or destroys property” (Burden, p. 3)
Behavior, cont. Make sure consequence fits misbehavior Prevent/avoid behaviors that will cause problems or distractions in class Utilize Paraprofessionals to help manage behavior
Changes in U.S. Education System Affecting Paraprofessionals IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 1997) “first act to be explicit about the paraprofessional’s role” See principles of IDEA on p of Paraprofessionals in the Classroom Title I “designed to provide additional instructional support for disadvantaged students” (Ashbaker & Morgan, p )
Changes in U.S. Education System Affecting Paraprofessionals, cont. NCLB (No Child Left Behind Act, 2001) new requirements for “highly qualified” teachers and paraprofessionals new requirements for the instruction of LEP (limited English Proficient) students Focus on safe and drug free schools Increased accountability for schools (student achievement tests, annual measurable objectives)
In conclusion, Paraprofessionals play huge role in effective classroom management and need to be knowledgeable about it It is important for paraprofessionals to know the teacher’s style of classroom management and rules and procedures that he/she is working with The U.S. education system has evolved to ensure equal education opportunities for all and paraprofessionals play a huge part in that
Unit 2 Seminar Topics What are some of the changes that have occurred in the educational system that affect paraprofessionals? Why is it important to learn about classroom management as an educational paraprofessional? What sort of atmosphere do you think would be conducive to learning? What do you see as essential in managing behavior in the classroom? If you were meeting the teacher you were assigned to work with as a paraprofessional, what talents or personal skills would you want him/her to know that you have?
Weekly Reminders Complete readings/study guides Complete the graded reviews View the presentation Post response to the discussion question and respond to your classmates’ posts with thoughtful comments that will encourage further dialogue Attend seminar OR complete Option 2
References Ashbaker, Betty and Morgan, Jill (2006). Paraprofessionals in the classroom. Boston: Pearson. Burden, Paul. (2004). An Educator’s Guide to Classroom Management. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.