Holly Waite, Izabela Nowacka, William Zell Acknowledgements Ocean’s 14 would sincerely like to thank Professor John Radke and our GSIs for teaching GEOG 188C and helping us in our goal of ridding DC of its extra money. Additionally, the DC GIS Clearinghouse (dcatlas.dcgis.dc.gov) and the DC GIS Open Data Site (opendata.dc.gov) was extremely helpful in providing a wealth of high quality and resolution data, those fools. Conclusion From our GIS modeling, we have found the most effective way to pull of a DC bank heist. Using three modeling techniques, we present the optimal bank to rob, best escape route, and safest pickup location. This set of modeling techniques will be useful for bank heists in other cities, and we hope to provide the professional criminal community with the technology and analysis that will enable more efficient, safe, and profitable ventures in the present and future. Aim We have been tasked with finding the best way to escape from the heist. First, we located the perfect bank based on a suitability analysis, including law enforcement and population attributes. Next, we decided the place to meet with a helicopter extraction team using a surface analysis of the DC area. After finding the start and end for the escape route, we then found the best possible route between the two sites for a successful bank heist. All of this was done within the boundary of the city to avoid crossing state lines until the last possible moment. Introduction Our 3 person GIS team have been hired by Ocean's 11 for their upcoming heist in Ocean’s 14. To help them in their goal of conducting a bank heist in the District of Columbia, our team's expert GIS skills will successfully aid them in the crime of the century. Security in Washington DC is first-rate and requires strategic planning and critical analysis for success. 2. Helicopter Rendezvous--Surface Analysis: For the meeting point for helicopter extraction inside the DC boundary, we weighted multiple surface factors and combined them based on the constraints given by our employers. From spot elevation, we created a raster to make an aspect map, with positive weight given to western-facing slopes, and viewshed, with positive weight given to visibility from the Washington Monument, and then combined with a four kilometer distance buffer from the center of the city. Results Ocean’s 14: The DC Bank Heist Methods 1.Bank Site--Vector Suitability Analysis: To find the perfect bank, we made an opportunity layer consisting of data that would be to our benefit. This included nearby access to highway/interstate in case an emergency flee situation was required, locations within the "No Fly Zone" to prevent entrapment by law enforcement, and areas of high population density where police force resources are strained. For the constraints map, police stations were located to ensure a minimal distance from the banks. Together, this data gave us the best possible location to conduct the heist. When overlain by bank location data, we were able to find the perfect bank for the job. Established location of start and end points Set analysis time to 3:00 am on a Tuesday Ran Network Analysis Added restriction points: traffic cameras and police stations Created Street Network for Washington DC Set Projection to State Plane Maryland FIPS The Best Route between the two In order to successfully escape from Washington DC with stolen money, we need to efficiently use each minute following the robbery. Since average response time for the police is 2-15 minutes, and taking into account the fact that Swat team in the capital is just minutes away, our best option is to commit the crime at 3am on a Tuesday. To find the best route, we created a street network from DC street database. When running Network Analysis, we included important points to avoid such as police stations, red light cameras, and speeding cameras. The best route found would take 9 minutes to complete according to the speed limit. However, avoiding restrictions included in the analysis lets us travel well above the speed limit and safely arrive at t he destination point within 5 minutes. It is still not enough time, we would get caught twice before escaping.