Traveling the Nation COLUMN 1 Reno, NV. Across From the National Bowling Center. I travel all over In order to go to These bowling Tournaments.
Las Vegas, NV. COLUMN 1 Golden Nugget, Downtown Vegas There was over 17,000, 5 member teams When nationals Was at Las Vegas.
Donner Pass COLUMN 1 I traveled trough Donner’s Pass on My way to a tournament I enjoyed the view.
Grand Canyon Nation Park COLUMN 1 Grand Canyon, Arizona This site’s was unbelievable from start to finish. While there, I able to meet people from every corner of the world. Commutation as not easy considering ost spoke their on Language
Washington DC Martin Luther King Memorial. Last summer I got the rare experience Of Marching in the 50 th Anniversary of the Equality March
Carl and Friends Bowling COLUMN 2 Open Nationals At Reno, NV several of my friends and I bowled together at this tournament.
Reno, NV COLUMN 2 USBC Open Tournament People come from all Over to compete in this Tournament. There is a wide Variety of men, women, Pros, and amateurs.
San Antonio, TX COLUMN 2 Texas State Tournament bowling with my buddy Greg.
Baton Rouge, LA COLUMN 2
Albuquerque, NM
Bowling Teams at Tournaments COLUMN 3 Open Nationals Bowling Tournament Team in Reno, NV.
DENTON LEAGUE TEAMS COLUMN 3 One thing I have enjoyed is having the chance To bowl with others bowler you don’t, but get to know
Tournament Teams COLUMN 3
Texas Bowling Tournament Players COLUMN 3
Albuquerque was a good tournament my team attended, and the of Albuquerque is a wonderful city