Presented By: Committee Member: Sally Bussell Fox, Attorney Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A. 30 South Spring St. Pensacola, Fl (850)
Chair Michelle Anchors Co-Vice Chairs John Cavanaugh, UWF Tom Delaino, PJC Bob Richburg, OWC Members Carlene Anderson, Walton Co. Robert Arnold, Okaloosa Co. Pat Blackshear, Walton Co. Billy Buzzett, Walton Co. Charlie Clary, Okaloosa Co. Pam Dana, Okaloosa Co. Greg Evers, Santa Rosa Co. Sally Fox, Escambia Co. Ross Hamilton, Okaloosa Co. Paul Hsu, Okaloosa Co. Tony Hughes, Okaloosa Co. Steve Jernigan, Escambia Co. Bill Maxson, Okaloosa Co. Jerry Maygarden, Escambia Co. Skip Miller Don Salter, Santa Rosa Co. Larry Sassano, Okaloosa Co. Sandra Sims, Okaloosa Co. Daniel Uhlfelder, Walton Co.
Population Projections for FL 2060 Study Annual Chg Density* Escambia310, ,408 2, Santa Rosa137, ,371 3, Okaloosa189, ,022 3, Walton 52, ,883 1, Northwest Florida study region (Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton, Washington) 885,338 1,765,648 17,606 *people/acre
CSEC MISSION The Committee for a Sustainable Emerald Coast will study long range planning issues of regional importance, seek public input and provide recommendations that can enable sustainable growth and development in the region. Through its efforts the Committee will seek to preserve the region’s heritage and enhance the Emerald Coast’s natural resources, economic prosperity and quality of life. A final report is due by December 31, 2007.
CSEC Findings- Defining the Region: The Emerald Coast counties and cities of Walton, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Escambia comprise an area of distinctive communities, cities and counties where residents share: A geographic identity and are socially, economically and culturally interdependent; A capacity for planning and functioning together for communication, education, transportation, housing and the protection of natural resources; and A capacity to create competitive advantage to promote opportunity and prosperity for all.
CSEC Findings: The Emerald Coast will benefit by thinking and acting regionally Greater access to new regional funding Pooling of regional resources to achieve greater efficiency, capacity and results for all in the region Creative cost sharing while minimizing duplication of costly services Effectively balancing bottom-up local government and community needs with state and regional concerns Prevent unnecessary conflicts through early prevention, identifying issues and building consensus on actions in the region
The Committee is considering issues of long range planning that will help the region prepare for the next generation. The primary issues of concern fall into four categories of issues and opportunities: o Sustainable Growth and Development; o Economic Diversity and Prosperity; o Environmental Stewardship; and o Access to Education, Health Care and Culture. The Committee will evaluate and make action recommendations concerning these issues of critical importance.
Sustainable Growth and Development Strategic Vision Enhancing an attractive and sustainable approach to regional growth and development that includes: Improved transportation system, Safe water for drinking, food and recreation, Smart and efficient development and land use policies and plans, Protect the rural character and working lands in the region. Establish attainable workforce housing Safe and secure communities,
Environmental Stewardship Strategic Vision-2030 Acting as strong environmental stewards, the Emerald Coast and its citizens, through better planning, have preserved and protected the region’s natural assets and historic heritage and has consistently been ranked as the nation’s best beaches and best air quality and best regions to visit for history, fishing and fun. Improving Storm Water Management and Impacts on Water Quality Wetlands Protection Waste Management- Sewage Treatment and Landfills Coastal Habitat Issues Air Quality Issues
Strategic Vision Public Involvement and the CSEC The Emerald Coast Region’s Future Belongs to All The CSEC’s monthly meetings are noticed and open to the public and have times allocated for public comment. Provide us with your thoughts on the comment form hand-out Visit the Committee’s website at: SustainableEmeraldCoast.orghttp://www. or for: The Committee’s meeting schedule To get on its mailing list and learn of the Committee’s progress. To provide online comments and questions for the Committee and its subcommittees.
Strategic Vision