Qualities of Good Survey Questions
Evokes the Truth Questions must be non-threatening. When a respondent is concerned about the consequences of answering a question in a particular manner, there is a good possibility that the answer will not be truthful. Anonymous questionnaires that contain no identifying information are more likely to produce honest responses than those identifying the respondent.
Can Accommodate All Possible Answers. Multiple choice items are the most popular type of survey questions because they are generally the easiest for a respondent to answer and the easiest to analyze. Asking a question that does not accommodate all possible responses can confuse and frustrate the respondent.
Consider the question: How often do you smoke marijuana? A. Daily B. Weekly C. Monthly Clearly, there are many problems with this question. What if the respondent never smokes marijuana?
There are two ways to correct this kind of problem. Do you smoke marijuana? circle: Yes or No).
Another way to correct the problem is to add the necessary response categories and allow multiple responses How often do you smoke marijuana? __ Do not smoke marijuana __Every Day __Once a week __Twice a week __Three or four times a week __Five or six times a week __Once a month
Leaves No Ambiguity in the Mind of the Respondent. Where are you when you smoke marijuana? Circle all that apply. A. School. B. My Home. C. On the street. D Friend’s house.
Allow Differences Between Respondents Are you against legalization of marijuana? (circle: Yes or No).
Does Not Presuppose a Certain State of Affairs An example of this type of mistake is: Do you agree that marijuana should be legalized in Canada? (Yes or No). This question will present a problem for someone who does not have an opinion.
Write your questions so they apply to everyone. This often means simply adding an additional response category. Do you agree that marijuana should be legalized in Canada? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Don't have an opinion.
If there is any possibility that the respondent may not know the answer to your question, include a "don't know" or “undecided” response category. Are you in favor of legalization of marijuana? ___ Yes ___ No. ___Undecided. ___Don’t know.
Provide a Meaningful Scale The end points of response scales must be anchored with meaningful labels. For example. "Please rate your satisfaction with current laws regarding marijuana use in Canada.” 1 means 'Very Satisfied' and 5 means 'Very Dissatisfied.'
Three Things to Remember When Constructing a Response Scale. First, an odd number of points provides a middle alternative. This is a good way to provide respondents with moderate opinions a way out (similar to the "Don’t Know," choice).. Secondly, if measuring extreme opinions is critical, use a scale with a greater number of points. Finally, you generally gain nothing by having a scale with more than 7 points..
Your Task Design a survey questionnaire No more than three questions Show your questions to me before you type them Type your questions Copy and paste so that there are at least three copies on one page