Learning Goal: We will track the major characters in the novel in order to understand their function. We will also examine Holden’s character traits in order to identify whether or not he is developing as a typical teenager. Do Now: Read through the directions for the Character Map assignment. Agenda:Begin tracking the major characters from the chapters we have read so far. Examine Holden’s character traits and how these traits prove that Holden is a typical teenager or one who has a diagnosable mental disorder. Homework Homework: Enjoy your weekend!!!
English 10Name: Sullivan/BrillDate: Period: The Catcher in the Rye Character Map Directions: As you read the novel, The Catcher in the Rye, track the major characters. For each: Identify character traits that would describe the character Prove the traits you choose with evidence from the text (this can just be a small portion of a quote with a page number to reference) Explain the character’s connection to Holden Define the character’s function. In other words, explain Salinger’s purpose for including the character in the story Create a symbol that would represent the character Through other assignments, you will be asked to evaluate these characters further. This is the first step so that you know where to reference this information and, essentially, where to start. For Holden: Identify distinct character traits to describe Holden Prove the traits with evidence from the text Decide whether this trait makes Holden a typical teenager or one who could be diagnosed with a mental disorder Explain your rationale
CharacterTraitsEvidence Connection to Holden FunctionSymbol D. B. -aspiringp. 1 “got a lot of dough now”Holden’s older brother personifies Holden’s idea of a phony or a sell out $ Allie Phoebe Mr. Spencer Stradlater Ackley English 10Name: Sullivan/BrillDate: Period: The Catcher in the Rye Character Map
CharacterTraitsEvidence Connection to Holden FunctionSymbol Jane Gallagher Carl Luce Sally Hayes Maurice Sunny Mrs. Morrow Mr. Antolini
English 10Name: Sullivan/BrillDate: Period: The Catcher in the Rye Character Map Holden Caulfield Directions: Track Holden’s character traits. For each, provide evidence that proves this trait. Decide if this trait makes Holden a typical teenager or someone who has a diagnosable disorder. Explain your rationale. Character TraitEvidence Typical Teen or Diagnosable Disorder? Explain
Character TraitEvidence Typical Teen or Diagnosable Disorder? Explain Holden Caulfield