ABBYS AQUATICS Store Somerset, WI What we sell Events Scoop your own fish Stingray Petting Zoo
SITUATION Small Cluttered Messy Ceilings Growing Narrow Aisle Short Staffed
ACTIONS New space Renovating Remodeling Less inventory Staying with current space
RECOMMENDATION Hire staff New building 1,200 square feet Open Downtown Hudson Walls painted blue
IMPLEMENT Applications, advertising, interviews More events Meeting with landlord Discuss and Negotiate
MONEY Rent is $1600/month Decorations $2500 Inventory $15069 Staff $2000 Shelving $1500 Approximately $60,000
EVALUATION If the Angles Funds are granted to us, we will: Hire more staff Change hours More space = more customers Shelves Inventory Report after 6 months
A new building space will provide more room for Abbys Aquatics to grow. It will allow more shelving, which means more inventory, more room for people to walk, more customers, due to being in downtown Hudson, and also a better and newer look to our space. It is a place that Abbys Aquatics business will be comfortable at for many years to come.
CONTACT INFORMATION If you need any more information or wish to discuss this proposal, please call me or me at
CITATIONS DoubleTree_by_Hilton_Hotel_Philadelphia_Valley_Forge-King_of_Prussia_Pennsyl.html DoubleTree_by_Hilton_Hotel_Philadelphia_Valley_Forge-King_of_Prussia_Pennsyl.html bm=isch&sa=X&ei=UClQU73UBIuGyASslICwDA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=784&bih= 570#q=sad+fish+&tbm=isch&facrc=0%3Bsad%20fish%20clip%20art&imgdii=_&imgrc= _ bm=isch&sa=X&ei=UClQU73UBIuGyASslICwDA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=784&bih= 570#q=sad+fish+&tbm=isch&facrc=0%3Bsad%20fish%20clip%20art&imgdii=_&imgrc= _ wallpaper.html wallpaper.html