Transforming CalFresh Kim McCoy Wade Consultant October 2012
“The Fierce Urgency of Now” CalFresh (and other services’) case loads have dramatically increased during recession: from roughly 3 million to 4 million people statewide! ACA/Obamacare will bring another new surge of MediCal (and other) participants as of 1/1/14. Meanwhile, funds for counties not increasing. But, significant one-time opportunity for federal ACA funds to “integrate” health and human services, available through 12/31/15.
From “Pain” to Solutions Drive towards “first touch resolution” by workers and “same day/next day service” for consumers, by reviewing all business processes. Align programs and policies, so consumers “tell story once.” “Open more doors,” including on-line, service/call centers, and redesigned offices, to fully leverage technology and meet consumers where they are. Leadership, in partnership with all stakeholders.
How Getting There? National Responses & Resources American Public Human Services Association “Pathways” toolkit & “Integration Work Group” Ford Foundation/Urban Institute “Work Support Strategies” in 10 States Examples from States w/ County Administration: NC “DHHS Excels” & CO Western State Examples: WA & OR both at “same day/next day” for most clients
How Getting There? California Responses & Resources Modernization Conference by CWDA, DSS, USDA on 9/5-6/ CWDA “Best Practices in Culture Change & Customer Service” Symposium on 1/16/13 DSS/County Goals & Plans by year’s end CA County Examples: Placer & Tulare (and others) Redesigns
Data-Driven Results “Dashboards” to track processes in real-time (e.g., determination time, call wait time, lobby wait time, interview time, pending time) Metrics to track outcomes (e.g., accuracy, participation) “Secret shoppers” and consumer surveys Overall, creating a “Culture of Continuous Improvement”...