“Fulfilled Promises” Romans 4:13-25 August 22, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

“Fulfilled Promises” Romans 4:13-25 August 22, 2010

I. Believe against all hope (18). God’s promise may seem impossible to us. God’s promise may seem impossible to us. –It may be beyond comprehension –We may not be able to see the possibility God’s timing may test our patience. God’s timing may test our patience. –Human nature does not like to wait –We can’t lose sight of what God said that He would do

II. Face facts (19). Reality is what reality is. Reality is what reality is. –Faith does not refuse to face reality –Faith looks past the difficulties and sees the promise Don’t weaken your faith when the obvious seems bleak. Don’t weaken your faith when the obvious seems bleak. –If things appear to be impossible –If we feel beyond being useful

Matthew 21:21 “Jesus replied, ‘I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, “Go, throw yourself into the sea,” and it will be done.’”

III. Don’t waver through unbelief (20-21) Be strengthened in your faith. Be strengthened in your faith. –Give glory to God –This is why God credited righteousness to Abraham Be fully persuaded. Be fully persuaded. –God is all-powerful –God has the power to do whatever He had promised

What are you going through today? Believe against all hope Believe against all hope Face the reality we are faced with Face the reality we are faced with Be fully persuaded that God is able to do all that He has promised Be fully persuaded that God is able to do all that He has promised