THE LOST SHEEP 1) We are like sheep & sometimes stray away from God TRUE TRUE FALSE 2) The good shepherd is ______ JESUS CHRIST JESUS CHRIST 3) God doesn't give up on his lost sheep, so run back quickly & repent TRUE TRUE FALSE
JESUS CALMS THE STORM 2) What are the STORMS in my life? Struggles with lying, disobedience, hate, etc. 3) Who can overcome & calm my STORM? Jesus Christ 1) What does the STORM symbolize? Struggles/difficulties in my life
JESUS HEALS THE MAN AT BETHESDA 1)The man was sick for 38 years TRUE TRUE FALSE 2) Jesus is the healer of everyone TRUE TRUE FALSE 3) I must want to be healed for Jesus to heal me TRUE 3) I must want to be healed for Jesus to heal me TRUE FALSE
ABRAHAM & LOT PEACEMAKERS TRUE 1)We must be PEACEMAKERS like Abraham TRUE FALSE 2) Live with God to have PEACE TRUE PEACE TRUE FALSE FAITH 3) Walk with eyes of FAITH SIGHT _ _ _ ’s will, not by SIGHT _ _ _’s will GODMAN
JOSEPH 1) When we go through hard times, we give up on God TRUEFALSE TRUE FALSE 2) Trust in God’s will, He has BIG plans for you! TRUEFALSE TRUE FALSE 3) We must LOVE & FORGIVE those who hurt us TRUEFALSE TRUE FALSE
MOSES TRUEFALSE 1)Moses was put in a basket & saved by Pharaoh's daughter TRUE FALSE 2) How many plagues did God bring on the Egyptians? ) Which did Moses NOT do? a.Parted Red Sea b.Received 10 Commandments c.Crucified on the cross TRUEFALSE 4) God has a special purpose for each of us TRUE FALSE TRUEFALSE 5) God will give us strength & courage to carry out His purpose TRUE FALSE
The feast of the cross 1)Who 1)Who found the Cross? St. Peter Jesus Christ Queen Helen (Emperor Constantine’s mother) 2)Which was the real Cross, how did they know? The 1 st cross The 2 nd cross The 3 rd cross, by putting it on dead person who came alive Cross 3) Which symbols does the Cross represent? Power Selfishness Love Salvation
1)Hannah gives her son Samuel to Eli the priest as she had promised God TRUEFALSE TRUE FALSE 2) We have to listen to God’s messages TRUEFALSE TRUE FALSE 3)God messages come through: Abouna TRUEFALSE Abouna TRUE FALSE Mom & Dad TRUEFALSE Mom & Dad TRUE FALSE Praying & Bible TRUEFALSE Praying & Bible TRUE FALSE SAMUEL
1)Where does God look? – outward appearances – Inside your heart 2)How to keep your heart clean? – Take a shower – Repent & Confess 3)Why was David so brave? – He was proud of himself – He walked with God, God was his strength DAVID
1 st week 1)Holy Week is the 1 st week in Lent final days 2)We relive our Lord’s final days up to His Crucifixion Resurrection 3)The week ends with Christ’s Resurrection 4)Pascha 4)Pascha means: A.Passing over church B.Passing over from sin to eternal life with Jesus THE HOLY PASCHA (PASSION WEEK) TRUE FALSE: TRUE or FALSE:
APPEARANCE TO THOMAS 1)St. Thomas did not believe the Lord rose from the dead 2)The Lord’s words are not true, He never keeps His promises 3)Even if I can’t see Jesus, He is with me, beside me & inside me 4)“Blessed are those who have not ______ and yet have __________” TRUE or FALSE: SEENBELIEVED
David & Goliath True or False: 1)King Saul & his army were afraid of Goliath because he was a small man 1)King Saul & his army were afraid of Goliath because he was a small man 2)Goliath was stronger than God 3)David was not afraid of Goliath because he trusted in God 4)When we have God with us, we are strong