Latitude and Longitude Section 2.1
Latitude Cartography – the science of mapmaking Equator – imaginary line that circles Earth horizontally halfway between the poles; separates Earth into two halves Equator = 0 degrees latitude Latitude – lines on a map that run parallel to the equator; measured from 0 degrees to 90 degrees
Latitude 1 degree of latitude = 111 km Circumference of Earth = 40,000 km Minutes (‘) = 1.85 km Seconds (“)
Longitude Longitude – used by cartographers to locate positions east and west ; also divided into degrees, minutes, and seconds; 0 degrees to 180 degrees Prime meridian – 0 degrees longitude Why does the prime meridian run through Greenwich, England?
Longitude Longitude lines are not parallel; they are semicircles Degrees of longitude can vary in their distances from 0 km to 111 km Lines of longitude meet at the poles
Using Coordinates To locate a position on Earth precisely, scientists must use longitude and latitude lines Earth is divided into time zones Each time zone is roughly 15 degrees wide; What time zone do we live in? Describe the International Date Line.