Location 1 Place 2 Region 3 Movement 4 Human- Envir. Int 5 Geography Tools Main page (home)
Topic 1 Location Points This is the imaginary line that runs West to East across middle of the earth. Equator
Topic 1 Location Points This line runs North to South in past Greenwich. Prime Meridian
Topic 1 Location Points These lines run parallel to the equator. Latitude
Topic 1 Location Points These lines run parallel to the prime meridian. Longitude
Topic 1 Location Points This type of location depends on where you are at. Relative
Topic 2 Place Points This is one of the types of places. Teacher Answer
Topic 2 Place Points This is the other type. Teacher Answer
Topic 2 Place Points These two types of places can be found in Texas (one of each). Variety of answers accepted
Topic 2 Place Points This is an example of this type of Place.
Topic 2 Place Points This is an example of this type of place.
Topic 3 Region Points Movement of people make this type of region. Functional
Topic 3 Region Points This type of region is by related # of characteristics. Formal
Topic 3 Region Points Give an example of one of the types of regions (any of the three). Formal, Functional, Perceptual
Topic 3 Region Points This map is an example of this type of region.
Topic 3 Region Points Movement between a city and a suburb is this type of region. Functional
Topic 4 Movement Points This type of movement can be measured.
Topic 4 Movement- 200 Points “Are we there yet,” is typical because of this measure of movement
Topic 4 Movement- 300 Points Movement is measured this way in the U.S.
Topic 4 Movement Points This is how most other countries measure movement.
Topic 4 Movement Points This is a periodic climate change to waters in South America causing worldwide change. El Nino
Topic 5 Hum-Envirv. Interaction- 100 Points Define Human-Envirnoment Interaction in 15 sec. How do people relate to the physical world.
Topic 5 Hum-Envirv. Interaction Points This is a example of how we adapt to the environment. Could be in clothes, use tire chains.
Topic 5 Hum-Envirv. Interaction Points This is an example of how we change the environment. Pollution, dams
Topic 5 Hum-Envirv. Interaction Points You might find this is this part of North America.
Topic 5 Hum-Envirv. Interaction Points Trapped sunlight increasing earths temp is caused by this. Greenhouse Effect
Topic 6 Geo Tools Points This is a three dimensional representation of the earth. Globe
Topic 6 Geo Tools Points This is the name of the people that make maps. Cartographer
Topic 6 Geo Tools Points This is an example of this type of map.
Topic 6 Geo Tools Points This is a type of map that represents natural and man-made features on earth. Topographic Map
Topic 6 Geo Tools Points This is the reason why geographers use thematic maps. Organize information and to avoid confusion