Teaching with Visual Symbols Teaching with Visual Symbols (drawings,cartoons,strip drawings, diagrams, charts, graphs, and maps)
“Visual symbols will be made meaningful if we can use them as summaries of our own direct experiences of our rich indirect experiences…. A little can Stand for a lot!”
Base on your experience which was easier to understand Base on your experience which was easier to understand.The word or the map?
Drawings One essential skill that a teacher ought to possess in order to be understood is Drawing. It helps you a lot if you are capable of doing simple freehand sketching.
Stick Drawing
Cartoons Another useful visual symbol that can bring novelty to our teaching is the cartoon. A first-rate cartoon tells its story metaphorically. The perfect cartoon needs no caption.
Sources of Cartoons You can easily collect cartoons for instruction. They appear often in newspapers and magazines.
Where to use Cartoons in Instruction?
Strip Drawings This are commonly called comics or comics strip. Dale (1969) asserts that a more accurate term is strip drawings. Make use strips that are Educational and Entertaining at the same time.
Where to use Strip drawing?
Sources of Strip drawing You can obtain strip drawings from newspapers, magazines and books.
Diagrams It is “any line drawing that shows arrangement and relations as of parts to the whole, relative values, origins and development, chronological fluctuations, distribution, etc.”
HEREDITY – ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION Intelligence Conclusion s About Heredity – Environment Interaction Heredity – Environment correlations Shared and Nonshared Experiences
Types of Diagram Affinity Diagram -use to cluster complex apparently unrelated data into natural and meaningful groups.
Tree diagram Use to chart out, in increasing detail, the various tasks that must be accomplished to complete a project or achieve a specific objective.
To create a work environment where 80-90% of Employees are motivated Revise Supervisory program Improve the work Republish all Admin. Teachers offices Improve & ensure opportunity for advancement To create a work environment where 80-90% of Employees are motivated Improve system of rewards & recognition Improve salary & benefits Improve Interpersonal Environment
Fishbone diagram It is also called cause-and-effect diagram. It is a structured form of brainstorming that graphically shows the relationship of possible causes and sub causes directly related to an identified effect/problem.
Charts A chart is a diagrammatic representation of relationships among individuals with an organization. We have a: 1.Time chart 2.Tree or stream chart 3. Flow chart 4. Organizational chart 5. Comparison and contrast chart 6. Pareto chart 7. Run chart or trend chart
Time Chart Is a tabular time chart that presents data in ordinal sequence
Time Period Average Life Prehistoric Times Ancient Greece Middle Ages, England 1620, Massachusetts Bay Colony 19th century, England 1990, USA 1915, USA 1964, USA 1988, USA Expectancy (in years) 18 20 33 35 41 47 54 70 77c
Tree or Stream chart Depicts development, growth and change by beginning with the course(the trunk)which spreads out into many branches; or by beginning with many tributaries which then converge into a single channel.
Flow Chart Is a visual way of charting or showing a process from beginning to end. It is a means of analyzing a process. By outlining every step in a process, you can begin to find inefficiencies or problems.
Organizational Chart Shows how one part of the organization relates to other parts of the organization.
Comparison and Contrast chart
Pareto chart Is a type of bar chart, prioritized in descending order of magnitude or importance from left to right. It shows at a glance which factor are occurring most.
Gannt chart Is an activity time chart.
Graphs There are several types of graphs. They are: Circle or pie graph Bar graph Pictorial graph Line graph
Bar graph-use in comparing the magnitude of similar items at different ties or seeing relative sizes of the parts of a whole.
Pictorial graph-make use of picture symbols.
Graphic organizers You met several graphic organizers in your subjects, Principles of Teaching.
Name :_______________________________________ Topic: Questions:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Main idea: How to use it: Summary:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Place Duration Time Episode Effect Cause Person Person Person
Shortage of tree that producing oxygen Reforestation Forest fire Shortage of tree that producing oxygen Global Warming Smoke
K – W – L Chart K (What I Know) W (What I Want to learn) L (What I learned)
Maps is a “representation of the surface of the earth or some part of it..”
Physical Map- combines in a single projection Physical Map- combines in a single projection data like altitude, temperature, rainfall, precipitation, vegetation and soil.
Relief Map-has three dimensional representations and show contours of the physical data of the earth or part of the earth
Commercial or Economic Map- also called product or industrial map since they show land areas in relation to the economy.
Political Map-gives detailed information about country, provinces, cities, and towns, roads and highways. Oceans, rivers and lakes are the main features of most political maps.
Map Language Scale – show how much of actual earth’s surface is represented by a given measurement on a map. The scale must be shown so that the map reader can use the distances and areas shown on the map in measuring or figuring out the real distances and areas on the earth surface. On some maps, scales is shown graphically in others the scales is expressed in words and figures.
Symbols – usually a map has a legend that explain what each symbol mean Color – the different color of the map are the part of the map language. What colors represent the bodies of water? What about contours of the earth and rail road, highway and other cultural features Geographic grids – the entire system of these grids lines are called gridlines. These grid lines are called meridians and parallel. A meridian is north to south poles line. Parallel are lines drawn around a globe with all points along each lines with an equal distance from the pole. Longitude is the distance in degrees of any place east or west of the prime meridian. Latitude is the distance in degrees of any place north and south of equator.
Making the Connection Go over our past lessons in this course Ed.tech1. look for visual symbol that you used in the past lesson. Identify them. In your lesson on correlation in statistics, you came across a scatter diagram. Go over a sample of a scatter diagram. Is this also a visual symbol? What does a scatter diagram show? Under which kind of visual symbol do the life cycle that you study in science belong?