EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! “The only association dedicated to the Enlisted men and women of the National Guard”. 2 November 2009
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! Legislative Report 2010 NDAA signed by the President Gray Area TRICARE.5% increase over PB These reports are posted to the Web Site
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! END STRENGTH: ARNG358,200(+5,600) ANG106,700(-56)
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! AGR END STRENGTH: ARNG32,060(0) ANG14,555(+195)
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! MilTech Positions: ARNG27,210(0) ANG22,313(-139)
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! Non-Dual Status Technicians ARNG1600 ANG350
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! Additional National Guard member on the Defense Military Family Readiness Council. Establishment of the “Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act”
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! NDAA provides for travel expenses when mobilization training is suspended for five or more days. (both ways) Continuation on Active Duty: Reserve component members during physical disability evaluation following mobilization
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! NG Youth Challenge: C hanges matching funds. Increases DoD share of program from 60% to 75% of the costs.
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! Pay increase 3.4% (.5% more than requested by the President)
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! DRILL PAY 2010 Pay Difference2.90%3.40%AddedYEAR E4> E5> E6> E7> E8>14> E9>
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! AGR PAY INCREASE Pay Difference2.90%3.40%AddedYEAR E4> E5> E6> E7> E8>14> E9>
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! 15 DAY ANNUAL TRAINING Does not include BAH Pay Difference2.90%3.40%Added E4> E5> E6> E7> E8>14> E9>
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! Retro-Activity Early Retirement OVER 1 YEAR 700 Billion for Bank Bailout (yes) 3 Billion for Cash for Clunkers (yes) 1 Trillion for Health Care (no doubt) Retro-activity Early Retirement for your service 2.1 billion over 10 years (NO)
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! Gray Area Retiree TRICARE Allows Gray Area Retirees, (Individuals who have retired but are not yet drawing retired pay) to purchase TRICARE Standard at the full rate.
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! Expanded Pre-Mobilization Health Care Expands Health care coverage for Mobilized Guard and Reserve from 90 days to 180 pre-Mob
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! TRICARE Inpatient Fee’s Prohibits DoD from imposing an increase in TRICARE Inpatient fees. Previous prohibition expired on 30 Sep 09 DoD implemented the increase. EANGUS and other member organizations immediately contacted Capitol Hill and it was written into the NDAA prohibiting the increase until 30 Sep 2010
EANGUS EANGUS ENLISTED ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GUARD UNITED STATES Your Professional Association… Your voice on Capitol Hill! Do you Want to Make a Difference! Write or Call your Representatives in Congress. Legislative tab, The Callwww.eangus.org Fill in your zip code and hit “Go” You’ve just made a difference!