Nature Without Borders – A Call to Courage! September 2009 CAVI – Learning at Lunch Series – Recap: Understanding Commitment Progress – project-specific items tools 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
“EVOLUTION” 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
“TOOLS” 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
Timing Surface water runoff Soil Depth Building Elevation /lot grading Land Development – ‘Responsibilities’
A Guide To Erosion and Sediment Control “Hard” “Soft” 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
“REGIONAL NEEDS” 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
N (“Boundaries - Natural & Imposed”) 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
Nature Knows No Boundaries Current Initiatives in the Comox Valley Boundaries Commonalities Regional Growth Strategy Sustainability Strategy Regional Water study Regional Sewerage Study Parks and Green ways
Regional Approach to Local Solutions Integrated Planning Watershed basis Hard & Soft Tools Break down barriers - Commonalities Foster 4 - “C’s” 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
Regional Thinking Think Globally, Act Locally Collaborate Communicate Cooperate Coordinate The ‘Historic Moment’ 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
“The intention is that the four participants (CVRD, Courtenay, Comox and Cumberland) work collaboratively and collectively … … “Regional framework for land-use activates” Comox Valley Record Friday Wednesday March 11, Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
Comox Valley Record Friday March 13, 09 …water doesn’t adhere to boundaries, yet political boundaries remain firm. …co-operation between different government should also mean that service can be expanded over borders… 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
Current Initiatives in the Comox Valley Boundaries Commonalities Regional Growth Strategy Sustainability Strategy Regional Water study Regional Sewerage Study Parks and Green ways Regional Growth Strategy 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
Where are we now? What do we have to work with? Where do we head from here? 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
Ingredients & Recipe 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
Regional Thinking Think Globally, Act Locally Communication Collaboration Cooperation Coordination Internal – Planners / Engineers / Inspectors, etc. Regional – jurisdictions Local / Provincial / FN / Feds 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
Collective Desire Financial capacities (Some) Legislation (provincial LWS) Vision of a Regional Team Approach 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
Challenge! Process Legislative tools Inter-jurisdictional MOU’s Regional Growth Stats Incentives Bill 27 etc 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
“See planning, not as a land-zoning function, but as an iterative process that embraces the concept of integrated basin / watershed management / stewardship planning” Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
Nature Without Borders – A Call to Courage! September 2009 Challenge: Walk the talk Develop a process to move forward Be leaders 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series An Integrated Watershed Approach to Settlement