District Literacy Leaders Network Meeting October 7, :00am-12:00pm Dr. Marion Smith, Jr. | Director, Learning and Innovation Student and School Success English Language Arts
Before We Start Wireless: PSESD Guest Resources: leaders-resources/ leaders-resources/
Welcome: Silent Circle Activity Form a circle Listen to various statements If the statement represents you raise your hand Notice who else raises their hand
Think-Pair-Share Why might it be important to “start from the place of same?” As you think about your context, what systems and/or structures are maintained by the Power of Academic Language? As we continue to implement ELA CCSS, what conversation(s) and/or work is happening in your district to engage all voices? Plan to share your thinking on one (1) of these prompts.
Introductions Individual introductions: name, role, school district Share a thought from your Think-Pair-Share conversation
Community Agreements Stay engaged Speak your truth Have a learners stance Experience discomfort Intent vs. impact
DLL Survey Results 17 responses Structure of Time – Collaboration – Districts Sharing Resources – State Information – Information Sharing
Top 5 Topics of High Interest Using Smarter Balanced (SB) Results: 87% Using Interim SBA to Inform Instruction: 81% Struggling Readers and Writers: 81% Writing in the Content Areas: 75% RTI / LAP: 68%
Revisiting Supports Priority and Focus Schools School Needs-Self Assessment Regional Indistar Plan Job-embedded, on- going PD opportunities
Who Do We Serve?
Setting the Stage “ Imagine that upon your arrival at an airline ticket counter, you are told that only 65 percent of the flights to your intended destination actually even arrive. The remainder crash en route. And, if you are a child of color, or poor, you are required to fly on special, poorly Maintained planes—of which only 35 percent make it. Sounds crazy, right? But this is exactly the deal that, as a nation, we are serving up daily to millions of children in thousands of our public schools.” from Crash Course by Chris Whittle
Through line to Student Learning ESD District + School Leaders TeachersStudents
PSESD Context Agency End: “Success for each child and eliminate the opportunity gap.” Foundational Strategies Best Practices Uphold Whole Child Tenets Instructional Core Lead With Racial Equity Data Informed
“The most troublesome achievement gap is the racial gap—the difference in student achievement between White and Asian students and their Black, Latino, Native American, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander counterparts. Without question, poverty and wealth impact student achievement as well. Statistically, however, even within the same economic strata, there is an achievement gap based on race.” – Glenn Singleton Why are we talking about race when we talk about the opportunity gap?
Access To Opportunity in King County
How do we ensure equitable access to opportunities for all learners to successfully meet the ELA CCSS??
WA State Fellows Representing English Language Arts, Math and Science Washington Fellows are one of the largest state sponsored cadre of teacher leaders in the United States WA Fellows represent 188 school districts Educating over 1 million public school children
Growth Growth of ELA, Math and Science Fellows Network: Content Area # of Fellows# of Districts# of Fellows# of Districts# of Fellows# of Districts ELA Math Sciencen/a Totals
PSESD ELA Fellows 36 ELA Fellows – 19 different school districts
Fellows by district Auburn- 1 Bainbridge Island- 2 Bethel- 1 Clover Park- 1 Eatonville- 3 Fife- 1 Highline- 1 Kent- 5 Lake WA- 5 Northshore- 1 Orting- 1 Puyallup- 2 Riverview- 1 Seattle- 2 Skykomish- 1 Steilacoom Historical- 2 Sumner- 5 Tacoma- 1
The Fellows Mission The Fellows, teacher leaders who support district implementation efforts, are a crucial part of larger systemic statewide CCSS/NGSS implementation efforts. The Fellows work in harmony with state, district, regional, and local structures to build coherent and effective implementation of the CCSS/NGSS, which will result in student growth in each district in Washington State. Each region has a cadre of leaders who share in common specialized content learning along with the other regions from across the state. Fellows work in their schools to deepen core understandings of engaging instructional practices and leadership strategies for professional development.
Expectations Fellows and District Commitments: Collaborate throughout the year with district leadership and/or school principal to discuss, create and document the ongoing District Fellow Plan. Implement learning from the Fellows meetings within your own instructional practice and in supporting teachers in Washington State Learning Standards (CCSS or NGSS) implementation. Submit completed District Fellow Plan to your Regional Coordinator at the end of the year. English Language Arts and Mathematics: Attend and participate in four (4) regional Fellows Convenings: – October 27, December 7, February 23, April 26
Outcomes Ongoing Professional Development Learning together Exploring new and up-and-coming resources Building skills around best resources for your context Build Leadership Capacity in School, Districts and Among Colleagues Intentional focus on instructional leadership Increase evidence of implementation and professional development in support of WSLS at regional, district and state levels Leadership in the Extended Community Providing feedback to the state-wide system Supporting collegial capacity for all of Washington’s schools
15-16 Content Focus ELA Fellows will grow their instructional practice in the area of writing, specifically with drawing evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis and reflection.
Instructional Leadership Fellows work will be anchored in the Fundamentals of Learning by Margaret Heritage and the WestEd Team. Instructional Leadership Framework Making Meaning Thinking critically, creatively and meta-cognitively Connecting Prior Knowledge to New Learning Using language, symbols and texts Participating and Learning Engaging with Others in Learning Communication Ideas, Feelings, and Perspectives Relating to Other People’s Ideas, Feelings and Experiences Managing Learning Taking personal responsibility for learning Adapting learning tactics Persevering with challenges
Action Plan The Action Plan will be finalized and ready to launch at the Fellows Convening (Oct. 27 th ) with the Regional Coordinator
Self Reflection / Network Brainstorming When I think about supporting ELA work in my district and the realities of my contexts, what gets in my way?
SSEO and Menu of Best Practices Amy Thierry Program Supervisor- LAP English Language Arts and Research (OSPI)
Grounding Our Work Text Rendering: “Assessment Literacy for Teachers: Faddish or Fundamental” (Popham, 2009)
SBAC Update Beth Simpson ELA Assessment Specialist & SB Digital Library State Lead (OSPI)
Think Tank Question(s): What are you thinking about Next Steps to move this work forward? What additional resources may you need?
Exit Survey