Unit 7 Week 4 Day 3 Local Leaders
Build Theme Connections O Focus Question: How does a local government help make a good community? O How has the local government made improvements in your community? O What have you read or heard about how local governments help make communities safer? O How do local governments provide places for people to have fun, to meet one another, and to learn new things?
Use Multiple Vocabulary Strategies O We have learned three strategies we can use to help us find the meaning of words. Analyzing Idioms Classifying words Using Multiple Meaning words
Comprehension Skill: Sequence Events O Sequence is the order in which events take place. O An author usually tells events in the order they happened, but sometimes readers have to figure out the sequence themselves. O What would happen if the author did not pay attention to the sequence of events when writing a story? O Practice by retelling Officer Buckle and Gloria, telling the events in the correct order.
Word Work: Phonics O /k/ spelled ch school ache chorus What sound do the letters ch stand for in each word? Write a word that uses the following letters to stand for the /k/ sound. kckcch
Word Work: Suffixes O Suffixes are endings that can change the meanings of base words. O Carefully= in a way that is careful O Hopeful= full of hope O Collection= the result of collecting
Word Work High frequency words: Break, father, friendless, mother, mountain, once, river, song, whose Fluency: Practice Companion page 196 The Library Book
Prepare to Read: Author’s Purpose O Authors write to inform, persuade, entertain, and express ideas Which book did the author write to inform? Which book did the author write to entertain? How did each author address the focus question? What questions would you like to ask the authors?
Revise the Model O How students revise: Delete words or details that don’t belong Substitute more interesting words for overused words Rearrange sentences so ideas flow more smoothly
Edit the Model O Writing Models Chart page 55 On the fourth of july, our town puts on a fireworks show in our town. The show start when the sky gets dark, Shiny sparkles fall like rane and disappear. A shell shoots up fast and bursts too a bright, flowing light. Do any sentences need to be switched? Does the paragraph give enough details? Are there spelling, punctuation, or capitalization mistakes? Are there grammar errors?
Edit O On the fourth of july, our town puts on a fireworks show in our town. The show start when the sky gets dark, Shiny sparkles fall like rane and disappear. A shell shoots up fast and bursts too a bright, flowing light.
Seat Work O Practice: 199, , 206 O Phonics: none O Fluency: 196 O Spelling: Write each word three times O Writing: Rough draft descriptive paragraph O Study Station: 4 column chart