Style IN LIFE: “Consistent, recognizable, and noteworthy manner of expression or way of behaving” (Artforms, p. 11) IN ART: “Consistent and characteristic handling of media, elements of form, and principles of design that make a work of art identifiable as the product of a particular person, group, historic period or place” (Artforms, p. 110) ARTS 2001
Style Culture or geography Periods of time Groups of association Personal style Combinations of the above Truth to nature ARTS 2001
Style Representational (Objective; realistic) Abstract Nonrepresentational (nonobjective) ARTS 2001
(realistic, objective) (parts abstracted from original) Representational (realistic, objective) Abstract (parts abstracted from original) Nonrepresentational (nonobjective)
Auguste Rodin. The Kiss. 1886. Marble. 5’11”
“The Kiss” by Rodin What kind of kiss? How much information? Interpretation? ARTS 2001
Constantin Brancusi. The Kiss. 1912. Limestone. 23” H
“The Kiss” by Brancusi What kind of kiss? How much information? Interpretation? ARTS 2001
Whistler. Nocturne in Black & Gold. Oil. 1874
Whistler’s “Nocturne” What kind of kiss? How much information? Interpretation? ARTS 2001
Representational Represents real event or persons Supplies much information Less open to interpretation
Abstract Suggests a generalized event or person Supplies little information More open to interpretation
Nonobjective No suggestion of persons or events Supplies no information about the “real” world Subject is usually shapes, forms, color Most open to interpretation
Red Tree. Piet Mondrian. 1908 The Gray Tree. Mondrian. 1912 Flowering Apple Trees. Mondrian. 1912
Style When is a representational style most appropriate? When is an abstract style most appropriate? When is a nonobjective style most appropriate? ARTS 2001