Delivered by the New Zealand Federation of Family Budgeting Services Case Management Taking your client from Chaos to Competency
Today’s Objectives Understand correct budgeting procedures Determine the difference between one off and ongoing clients Determine different case management processes for one off and ongoing cases Understand good use of the Cash Flow forecast
What Information Do We Need? When bills are due If WOF or Registration is coming due Any special events happening in the period Any other stuff that will need to be paid
What’s Next? Get Budgeting agreement signed – explain it to the client Ring the company and negotiate as hard as you can Ensure client is happy with the outcome Ask if the client wants any more help Explain the ongoing process of budgeting and how beneficial it can be as a long term solution – remember to remain non- judgemental If the client is clear on not wanting more help bring the appointment to an end Send through confirmation paperwork if required Write up detailed case notes including time taken Complete discharge form and any other administration required by your service Close the file, put it away & pat yourself on the back
What’s Next? Verification of income Contact creditors to get balances Send out Budget Agreements and letter # 1 Draft budget and debt schedule Come up with some possible suggestions Write up detailed Case notes including time spent
What’s Next? More contacting of creditors (new ones?) Debt Payment Plan Long Term Cash flow Need to start coming up with concrete solutions that address the client’s needs/goals Write up detailed Case notes including time spent
What Information Do We Need? When bills are due If WOF or Registration is coming due Any special events happening in the period Any other stuff that will need to be paid
Third Interview Continuous monitoring of day to day spending to ensure client is sticking to the budget. Final draft of budget (or working towards that) Client agreeing to debt payment plan Setting up/agreeing to a system for the client’s finances that meets their needs and allows them to work towards self managing their money Check the work done so far against the client’s goals – are we on the right track
When Do we Close a Case?
When the client has reached their goals