English 12 Honors Mrs. Barton Website: myteacherpages.com/webpages/jbarton/
Class Materials: Three-ring binder Lined notebook paper Pens (blue or black ink) Stapler (mini) Highlighters
Routines & Lesson Plans Class time will be a combination of direct instruction, independent practice, class discussion, and group activities. Writing assignments on a weekly basis. Vocabulary Quizzes On-Going Research Most reading will be completed OUTSIDE of class. Assignment details posted on class website.
Class Rules: 1. Be Respectful
Class Rules: 2. Be Responsible
Class Rules: 3. Be Present
Class Rules: 4. Pay Attention
Homework Designed to prepare students for class assignments and/or extend learning beyond the classroom. Students should expect out-of-class work in the form of larger projects or assignments to assess skills and knowledge over short and long-range time periods. In addition, much of your reading will be done OUTSIDE of class.
Late Work Nope, not accepted. The only caveat is for those projects assigned with a hard deadline. See the class syllabus.
Make-up Work Responsibility of the student to check class website & in-class calendar when absent. Work assigned previously, including tests and quizzes, are due immediately upon return.
Assessment & Grading Assessment will be a combination of reading, writing, speaking & listening, language, and classroom based learning. All grades will be posted on Infinite Campus as they are updated.
Opening Activity: Create a Meme about yourself Be creative and tell me something about yourself through the creation of an original meme.